27) .Catherine's Doubt.

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.Amy's Choice.

~Third Person~

A nice looking school teacher bustled the children together, calling them by name, gathering them up and leading them closer to the sights they were meant to see just as the clock struck twelve. However, the Doctor didn't notice any of this as he paced back and forth, looking stressed. Catherine sat on the ground, her legs crossed in front of her and her head in her hands, looking just as equally stressed. She couldn't help but play with the ring on her left hand ring finger. Something about it just wasn't right. On the bench just opposite them in front of the post office, Amy and Rory suddenly woke up, later then the Doctor and Catherine who had popped up not a second earlier and got right to business. The lucky couple was already starting to have doubts about what was real.

"Okay, this is the real one," Amy decided firmly. "Definitely this one. It's all solid."

"It felt solid in the Tardis too," The Doctor reminded her, freezing in his spot. "You can't spot a dream while you're having it."

That point was true, Catherine realized, listening in, though she still carried her head in her hands. But you also didn't usually remember the dream without it passing straight to your long term memory without going through your short one, but Catherine felt no deja vu, so assumed this was something different. Was it really a dream at all? Or ... but that was crazy. There was no way that was possible ... was it?

"What are you doing?" Rory asked suddenly.

Catherine looked up to see her fiance waving his hand in the air, looking quite ridiculous. Catherine let out a little chuckle. The Doctor noticed and gave her a side glance, putting his hand down.

"Looking for motion blur, pixilation. It could be a computer simulation ..." He coughed uncomfortably into his closed fist. "I don't think so, though."

A little old woman walked past, giving the company a wide, cheerful smile. As she passed, she pat Rory on the arm.

"Hello, Doctor," she said sweetly.

Both Rory and the Doctor smiled. The Doctor tightened his bowtie proudly.

"Hello," he responded as Rory responded the same way.

The Doctor gave him a look almost as if he was surprised. Catherine knew he shouldn't be. Rory had most likely gone to school in the past five years and gone on to be a Doctor, just as he wanted to when he was back on the TARDIS. Or was he still on the TARDIS and was this the dream? Catherine groaned and shook her head, laying back on the ground, spread out eagle style. Why was everything so confusing?

"A doctor, not a nurse," Catherine said loud enough for them to hear her.

They looked over, surprised to see her in the position she was. Amy cocked an eyebrow while Rory's eyes widened, confused. The Doctor just smiled as if he had seen her act like this before. He was only surprised her hair wasn't up in a ponytail like it usually was in these types of situations.

"Just like you've always dreamed," she continued. "Your dream wife, your dream job, probably your dream baby. Maybe this is your dream. Curiouser and curiouser."

"This is Amy's dream too, right, Amy?"

Amy, not paying attention to her husband, snapped back to reality and hardly gave mind when answering, "Yes. Yes of course it is," but only looked at the Doctor for comfort, though it didn't make much of a difference.

"What's that?" The Doctor asked, breaking the sudden silence and pointed to the building across the street.

Both Amy and Rory looked over while Catherine laid still. If a passerby were to have seen her, they might have said she was dead. However, she was lost in her thoughts. She was close to figuring it all out, but there was only one thing that bothered her. How? and Why?

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