26) .Amelia's Dream.

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.Amy's Choice.

~Third Person~

Amelia Pond sat in her kitchen, just having made a perfectly wonderful batch of cake batter, though she hadn't yet baked it. She would have if the pain hadn't set in. Any dropped the spoon in the bowl and screamed.

"Rory!" She yelled "Rory, it's starting!"

From outside in the garden, Rory Williams heard his wife's call and immediately ran inside as fast as he could. He was surprised to see that, when he entered, his wife was sitting peacefully in a chair, stuffing a spoon of the cake batter in her mouth.

"False alarm," she told him.

He rose an eyebrow. "What?"

"Well, I don't know what it feels like," Amy said. "I've never had a baby before."

An odd, familiar sound filled the air, coming from outside.

Rory sighed.

"No!" Amy said in denial.

"I know, leaf blowers. Use a rake!" he called, cursing the air.

"No," Amy repeated.

Rory finally heard it for the first time, the familiar noise. The TARDIS. Finally the Doctor and Catherine were here. Rory ran out, but not before helping his wife to his feet.

"I knew. I just knew."


Catherine stepped out of the TARDIS, happy and light hearted, making sure to step over Amy's flowers that she knew her best friend had planted and whom she knew would be angry at her for ruining them. She pulled the Doctor out after her by the hand. He looked less happy then she did, but excited nonetheless. He also tried to step over the flowers, but ended up knocking a brick out of place. The Doctor looked at it for a moment, not sure what to do, but Catherine put the brick back in its spot.

"Rory!" The Doctor called, making Catherine look up.

She smiled and hugged the man tightly. The Doctor was the next one to hug him.

"Sorry, we've crushed your flowers," Catherine apologized.

"Oh she will kill you," Rory warned, making Catherine laugh.

"Yes, I assumed as much."

"Speaking of," the Doctor added. "Where is she?"

Rory shrugged. "She'll need a bit longer," he explained.

At that moment, Amy hobbled out, clutching her stomach as if it would burst. Catherine laughed and threw her arms out, running to her friend. She enveloped her in a hug.

"Amelia!" She called. "You're huge!" Amy grinned.

The Doctor on the other hand, looked horrified. "You've swallowed a planet!" He exclaimed, feeling extremely worried.

"I'm pregnant," Amy told him.

"Look at you!" He burst. "When worlds collide."

"Doctor, she's pregnant," Catherine repeated.

"Oh, look at you both! Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size."

Amy's eyes widened, noticing something. "Cat! Is that a ring on your finger?"

Catherine smiled and held up the hand that wasn't holding the Doctor's. Indeed, on her left hand's ring finger there was a beautiful purple jewel sitting on a ring. It sparkled in the sunlight and was unlike anything that they had ever seen before.

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