3) .The One Chance.

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.The Eleventh Hour.

~Catherine Wood~

"Stop that nurse!" The Doctor called, a bright smile on his face. 

I laughed and Amy snorted. For the world ending, this was quite an adventure, and though I was scared out of my mind, I couldn't help but have fun. I could see why Amelia loved him so much. He always seemed to bring the joy into everything. We ran after Rory Williams who was still taking pictures of the snake like creature. 

The Doctor grabbed the phone out of the man's hand. "The sun's going out," he said, "And you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?" 

Rory looked really confused for a moment, but when Amelia and I came into view, he relaxed. "Amy. Cathy."

"Am I the only one that doesn't get to call you a nickname?" The Doctor asked, clearly offended. 

I just shrugged.

"Hi!" Amelia responded to Rory. She turned to The Doctor. "Oh, this is Rory. He's a friend."

"Boyfriend," Rory corrected.

"Kind of boyfriend." 

"Amy," I groaned. Stage one of the relationship: Denial. How obvious was it that Amy didn't like Rory all that much? Sure, she was in love with him, but that didn't stop her from liking other men, namely The Doctor.

"Man and dog. Why?" The Doctor questioned, changing the subject. I took the phone from his hand, looking at the picture that was of a man in work overalls walking his black dog. I nodded slightly.

"So that's what it looks like," I realized. "It almost looks real." 

The Doctor looked at me over his shoulder. "That's very curious," he muttered to himself. "How can you not see it's disguise? That might come in handy."

"Oh my word, it's him," Rory stumbled out suddenly. 

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Just answer his question."

"It's him, though. The Doctor. The Raggedy Doctor." 

The Doctor made eye contact with him as if asking Rory why everyone knew that he was the Doctor.

"Yeah, he came back," Amy answered.

"But he was a story. He was a game."

"Man and Dog," The Doctor repeated. "Why? Tell me now."

"Sorry." Rory shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Because he can't be here. Because he's-"

"In the hospital in a coma," The Doctor and I finished his sentence with him. The Doctor looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know?" Rory asked. 

I shrugged. "A lady that I used to tell stories to every other day is there, I just recognized him. I didn't know what it looked like before now. It apparently can disguise itself as anything, but it needs a psychic link. Right Doctor?"

"Exactly," he agreed. 

The alien hissed loudly. The others probably heard a bark. The creepy feeling entered my mind again. This time it called out my name again. Catherine... 

"Good old, Prisoner Zero," The Doctor finished, bringing me out of thoughts.

"What? There's a Prisoner Zero too?" Rory asked. 

Amy sighed. "Yes."

Only a second later, a giant spaceship came down from the sky, looking for something. It looked like that giant eye that we had seen on Mrs. Angelo's television. It hovered there, scanning the ground, looking for Prisoner Zero.

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