20) .Things Stolen.

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~Catherine Wood~

"What do you mean, who are we?" The man in the center of the other two asked. He was tall and lean with a mop of dark brown hair on his head. A bow tie was wrapped around his neck and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Who in their right mind would wear a bow tie?

"Usually when that phrase is said," I started, my eyebrow arched. "It means that the person is speaking doesn't know whom they are speaking to, or why they would look glad to see them there, in that moment."

The woman with the big hair laughed lightly. "An author and the use of her big words," she said.

My eyes widened. "I'm an author? How do you know I'm an author?" I asked her. My mind had already figured it out, however, before she could answer. "You three know me well, don't you? That means it is likely that I don't have short term memory loss. The man in the middle is surprised, which means that this doesn't happen often. Then I don't have alzheimer's. My ankle hurts, and is likely broken, and I feel a bump on my head and there are scratches on my arms that are unmistakably from a tree, so I can only guess that I fell from a tree, hit my head, and can't remember?" It came out as more of a question, but the way the red head on the right's jaw dropped, I knew I was right.

"Her mind is leaking out," poofy hair said. "The crack and her connection with the angels took that from her. She's becoming ... human."

I looked at the woman oddly. "You're saying I'm alien? Does this mean you aren't human either? I'm guessing the man is as well, but the woman isn't. You too seem to know what's going on, but she doesn't. She's looking at me in horror, so I can assume she's either my best friend or my lover." I looked at the man in the middle. "But, I am clearly attracted to men, so that means best friend."

The man looked between poofy hair and ginger, pointing at himself as if he also didn't know what was going on either.

"So, what are your names?" I asked them, as if it were the most natural,thing in the world.

"I'm River," poofy hair explained. "That's Amelia and the man is the Doctor," she said, pointing to the others individually.

I peered at the man curiously. "Just the Doctor? No. There's something more. You just like being called the Doctor. Your real name is hidden. It's not your greatest secret though. There's something else you're hiding, but that doesn't matter." I froze. "How do I know all that?" My head started pounding, an aching headache, so powerful, I had to lay down again.

The three, River, Amelia, and The Doctor, rushed over to me.

"River," the man said. "Check her vitals."

My vision was blurred and a lot of pain was going through my system, but I smiled anyways.

"I'm fine," I promised. "Just a little headache that's all. It's kind of soothing, really. I only need a little sleep."

My eyes fluttered closed, but the man wedged them back open.

"Don't go to sleep Catherine Wood," the Doctor said. "Going to sleep would ensure that you will be human forever."

I smiled softly. "Catherine Wood. So that's my name?" I giggled slightly. "That's like a name in a fairytale." My eyes shut again.

"Catherine," the Doctor warned. "Don't you fall asleep on me."

I shook my head a bit, trying to ignore the pain. "It'll only be for five minutes," I promised. Then I paused, a memory coming to my brain. "Do you remember, Doctor, when you told me that everything would be okay? I trusted you. I died then, but that's okay, because everything was okay. I'm glad I died, because I never would have met Amelia or River." That was my last train of thought before my consciousness disappeared, the last thing I heard was my mother's voice, calling me.

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