41) .The Football Boy.

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.The Lodger.

~Catherine Wood~

That morning was easily the hardest I'd ever worked in my entire life. I had left empty noodle boxes all over the couch that were starting to smell (because, although I was now human, I could eat like the Flash if he was kidnapped and starved for a week). I cleaned up everything from the living room to the bathroom, to Sophie's room (which she left unlocked), and my own room.

When I was done, I realized it was a nice morning so I walked to a clothing shop to buy a couple new things, because no matter how much I tried, I could never stay in the same outfit for a day like the Doctor could.

I bought a darker green shirt and another purple shirt, some black jeans, two pairs of black shorts, a new pair of camo shoes, another pair of camo jeans, and a dark purple and black beanie that I saw on the rack. I had never worn one before, but it looked cool, so that's what I bought as well. I may have spoiled myself, but what can you do with three grand in a  paper bag?

When I got back to the flat, Sophie was there eating a bowl of cereal. I sat down with her.

"Hey, Cathy!" she welcomed.

"Hiya, Sophie," I replied. "How was your night out?" 

She shrugged. "There were plenty of tears and a lot of false promises, but how else would it go?" 

I chuckled. "I know how you feel."

"So there's a football game today ..." she started. 

I had to remember what football was in every other country but America. Soccer right? 

"You don't have to come, but you could meet Craig and bring that Doctor of yours..."

"Yeah, of course I'll come. It sounds like fun."

"Awesome! It might be a little cold, so you'll want to bundle up, but other then that ..." 

I hadn't bought a coat. Perhaps the Doctor would be a gentleman and let me use his suit one. 

"Will you be ready to go in ... ten minutes?" 

I nodded. "Just a change of clothes for me will be fine."


With a purple hat, a purple shirt and purple shoes, I really did think the purple room and purple keys suited me. I was more than happy to look like a purpleholic. Once I got back on the TARDIS, I would have to ask her to make my room purple. That was ... if I could ever talk to her again.

"Ready?" Sophie asked, popping her head into my room. 

I nodded and hopped up from my bed, following her out. Grabbing my keys off the hook, we went out. I found my heart pattering, excited to see the Doctor. I tried my best to calm the feeling down.

Once we arrived, I could immediately tell something was wrong and I didn't need Eternl instincts to tell me that. Sophie, bringing out the spare keys, (because she left hers at Craig's yesterday afternoon) and unlocked the door. We went in and the sight we saw was enough to make me shake my head in disappointment.

"Doctor, what are you doing?" I asked him. 

He stood at the base of the stairs in only a towel, a toothbrush in his hand. When he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, hello!" He exclaimed, going up to Sophie, holding his towel around him. "You must be Sophie!" He kissed the air on either side of her cheeks. 

"Doctor, that's not how you greet people," I told him. 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now