25) .The Destroyer.

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.The Destroyer.

~Catherine Wood~

My name is Catherine Wood, though most people know me as the Destroyer. I had a life before this one, and though I don't know much about it, I know that I was both loved and hated. I am from the race of Eternls and I am now the last of my kind which were killed in the was against the Weeping Angels. I traveled the universe with the rest of my kind and saved those who needed saving and killed those who, I thought, needed to be killed. I was happy, and I was good. 

When I was killed, I came back four hundred years later as who I am now, from my mother Tallulah Wood, who was, before me, the last Eternl. I was gifted a second chance at life my the universe and now travel alongside the Doctor, a Time Lord, also the last of his kind, and my best friends Amelia Pond and Rory Williams. 

I have a confusing life, and I wish I knew more. I am learning every day, and without the use of my Eternality, it grows harder and harder to do so. I am trying and I will never cease doing so. However, there is a problem that is arising. It's a problem I keep forgetting, something that I don't usually do. The universe is cracked. Soon the Pandorica will open and Silence will fall, but only when the question is asked. That's what the universe told me and the words echo through my head. The universe is telling me to run. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm running. I'll run to the ends of space and time with the mad man in the blue box. 


This is short, but it is meant to be a small recap and I thought it would sound cool, so here it is. No question, no updates. This is it.


Peace out


Word Count : 326

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