5) .What She Told Me.

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.What She Told Me.

~Catherine Wood~

My jaw dropped.

It was bigger on the inside. I wasn't going to say that since I'm sure many had said that before, but I couldn't help but think it. 

That, however, wasn't my first thought. I could hear her. It wasn't like audible words, but I understood her cries. It was almost like a song. It was beautiful. So that's what I said instead.

"She's talking to me." The Doctor turned on the spot, looking at me with a weird expression. 

"What did you say?" he asked.

"I said she's talking to me," I clarified. "I can hear her. She's ... happy." Overjoyed actually, but I didn't say that. 

"Well that's good. 'Happy TARDIS, happy Doctor'. That's how the saying goes." I laughed. She had told me the saying was actually 'happy Doctor, happy TARDIS', but I didn't tell him that either. I'm sure by the end of this, the TARDIS and I would be best friends. As if in agreement, the Tardis seemed to sigh. I smiled. "So, where do you want to go?" 

I looked over to him, confused. 

"Or maybe I should say when."

"When and where? That's a hard choice." I froze. "What about Amy and Rory?" 

He waved a dismissive hand at me as he started pressing buttons and pulling levers. "We'll be back the second we left," he told me. "They won't even know we've been gone." He ran furiously around the control system, ready to take flight whenever I said the word, and I could go anywhere, whenever I wanted. 

My brain almost exploded, but I felt comfortable with the idea, which was strange. A lot of things were strange. What was I? I didn't even know any more.

"What am I?" I asked, speaking my thoughts out loud. 

The Doctor stopped and looked at me, a sad smile on his face. He beckoned me to him and I came up the stairs, away from the door, and to him. He pulled me into a hug. "There is a legend told to children among other planets. A legend of a race of people who were born at the beginning of time. However, these people weren't legends, because I've met a few. They helped us in a costly war, giving up their lives for ours. I saw the last one die. I thought they were extinct." 

I wanted to panic. I wanted to curl up in a ball and freak out, but something about the Doctor's hug made me just melt into him and all I felt was peace and understanding. "I'm an alien... called an Eternl ... from the beginning of time..." I muttered. "That's big news..." 

The Doctor pet my hair, soothing me. I almost collapsed. None of this was hitting me like it was supposed to.

I pulled back, realizing something. "Then how I'm I here?" I asked him. "How come I can't remember anything?"

"Well, that's the part I don't understand," he said, pacing a little. "How can you be here when all of the Eternls died in the War of Angels, and why can't you remember anything?" 

I gave him a blank look. He had just repeated my questions. 

He stopped and turned towards me, suddenly smiling. "Those questions can be saved for another day and another time. Right now," he said, pointing his finger in the air. "is fun time. Close your eyes." 

I cocked my head to the side. "Why?" 

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just do it." 

I reluctantly followed his orders. 

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