37) .Art and The Destroyer.

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.Vincent and the Doctor.

~Catherine Wood~

"She's been ripped to shreds!" a man shouted. 

The Doctor pushed the people to the side, trying to get to the poor girl. I tried to see past them, but the girl was hidden from my view. To tell you the truth, I was thankful for it. Instead, I kept Reid's eyes covered. He was too young to see something so hurtful.

"Please, let me look!" The Doctor called over the people. "I'm a doctor." 

Only then did he let him through. Next to me, Amelia clutched my hand in hers.

"Who is it?" a woman asked.

"Is she dead?" another man wondered.

"Away, all of you vultures!" the mother shrieked, having returned. Why she wanted us all away when she was the one that called us in the first place, I didn't know, but she shoved the Doctor away and he stood quickly. "This is my daughter. Giselle. What monster could have done this? Get away from her!" She then stood, seeing Vincent who was next to Amelia and I. "Get that madman out of here!" She picked up a stone and threw it. Her aim was off and just as it was about to hit my brother, I caught it, thankfully. Still, the others began to throw stones as well, making us back off. "You bring this on us. Your madness! You!" 

We ran away, back through the ally and to where we couldn't be hit by stones anymore. I turned to Vincent once we were far away enough.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. 

He nodded. "Yes, I'm used to it." 

I felt sorry for him. This man wasn't crazy nor mad. He was kind and creative with a few mental disorders. He was an average person trying to fight his way through the the dangers of the world and find his place. What was mad about that?

"Has anything like this murder happened here before?" The Doctor asked, changing the topic quickly. 

Again, Vincent nodded. "Only a week ago. It's a terrible time."

"As I thought," he muttered before patting Vincent's back as though he was a pal sending his friend off. "Come on, we'd better get you home."

"Where are you staying tonight?" 

"You're very kind," the Doctor said with a smile before pushing forward. Vincent froze, knowing he hadn't invited four more people into his home to spend the night. 

I stopped with him, giving him a comforting smile. "Sorry about him. He is very ... well, he isn't very good at reading people. I'm sure we can find another place to go. Four extra people in a home for one is probably not the way you want to spend these next couple of days."

"No, it is alright, Catherine," he said. "Now that the town knows you are my friends, they won't treat you nicely. I wouldn't be surprised if they run you out of town." 

I laughed. "Like I said before, Vincent. I'm not an easy person to mess with."

Vincent Van Gogh's home was quaint and beautiful, though I was sure it would have been more so if there hadn't been so many paintings surrounding it. Many of them were ones that I hadn't seen before. All of them were beautiful, and amazing in every way. It was a wonder that the people in the town didn't love them as much as Amelia and Rory did. Even if Vincent wasn't famous, I would still love them. It showed art, pain, happiness, so much emotion bundled up into a painting that made the world appreciate it for the better. I smiled at Vincent, showing him my appreciation. He smiled back.

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