30) .The Call of the Heart.

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.The Call of the Heart.

~Catherine Wood~

I sat up straight in my bed and had to lay back almost as quickly because the striking headache that filled my head could have killed me. Once I was sure the pain was gone again, I happily sat up, swinging my legs out of bed and glad to no longer feel the cold of a freezing TARDIS or the pain of dying. Everything was good. Though it was different, it was a good different. Amelia and Rory were together now, happy and Amelia had realized that she loved him. The Doctor and I were no longer engaged, and I must admit, it felt a little uncomfortable not having the weight of the beautiful ring on the finger. I could almost still feel the Doctor's kiss on my lips and my face flushed with color. I tried to remind myself it was just a dream, even though the Doctor was there with me. Whatever feelings he felt were there were not anymore. Just fake feelings. My heart dropped slightly.

I walked from my room and to the control room where the Doctor was standing, fingering something in his other hand, his back to me. I walked up to him and standing on my tippytoes, I placed my chin on his shoulder, glancing at what he was hiding. Laughing a bit, he stretched out his hand to show me. The small crystals were glowing pink, blue and purple, glittering in the light of the TARDIS. The crystal was familiar and looked ... exactly like my engagement ring.

"A speck of psychic pollen from the candle meadows of Karass don Slava," he answered. "The same type of crystal that was made into your engagement ring. Must have been hanging around for ages. Fell in the time rotor, heated up and induced a dream state for all of us."

Amelia bounced down the stairs, Rory coming down behind her.

"So that was the Maker then? Those little specks?" Rory wondered.

The Doctor laughed. "No, no, no," the Doctor told him with the shake of his head. "Sorry, wasn't it obvious?"

"The Maker was me," I told them.

"Psychic pollen. It's a mind parasite. It feeds on everything dark in you. The more brain energy you have the higher target you are. Catherine was a perfect host. However, it practically starved on her and changed its feeding to something else. Her light ... I'm still not sure how that happened, but it seems like you know a lot."

I nodded and walked around the Doctor so I was facing him, Rory, and Amelia.

"The Maker's goal was to get Amelia to recognize her love for Rory," I explained, not mentioning the part where she was also trying to get me to recognize my bit. "She had told me this in that spare time where we were separated between dreams. I found that I could partly control these dreams since they were partly my own. Sorry, Amelia. When I said that it was my fault that Rory died, it really was. However, I knew it was just a dream, so I knew that he would still be alive."

Amelia, not even with a frown, but a giant grin, took Rory's hand in her own. "But all those things she said about you," Amelia started. "The Maker, I mean. You don't think she meant it, do you?"

I smiled softly, not sure how to answer. Obviously somewhere, deep inside me there are feelings that think of me that way.

"Amy, right now a question is about to occur to Rory. And seeing as the answer is about to change his life, I think you should give him your full attention."

It dawned on Rory at that moment, making my grin widen.

"Yeah, she's right!" he burst. "Yeah!"

The Doctor grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side so I wasn't able to hear the couple's conversation. The Doctor took my hands in his, rubbing the backs of them with his thumbs and made me look in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "I know this was a crazy thing that happened, you and me being engaged and all for some ... odd reason. But if you-"

I laughed, cutting him off. "I'm fine, Doctor," I promised. "The Maker, being me, thought it would be funny, so I went along with it. She said something about River wanting it ..."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure, because I kissed you. I didn't know that we weren't engaged."

"I promise. It was just a kiss. It's not like you haven't kissed my forehead ten thousand times already."

"I just want you to know that, whatever I said, I said it and I meant it."

My heart flipped in my chest at his words.

"I don't ever say things that I don't mean, unless, of course, I'm lying."

I laughed, raising an eyebrow. "You know, you are very contradicting sometimes."

I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. I was happy. Happier than I had been in a while, although, when my face was out of view from the Doctor's eyes, my smile dropped. I walked down the hall, wringing my hands together.

I was in a serious dilemma. I had gone multiple months, almost a year and I was starting to fall for the Doctor. Was this what The Maker was trying to get me to realize? I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the moths fluttering around in my stomach and, as I looked back and caught a glimpse of the man, his happy face and his handsome features, I worried. I worried more than I ever would. I was starting to fall in love with the man who had tried to save my life and was continuing to save my life over and over again. Why was that? Was it his dashing good looks? His charming smile? His childish behavior that never let you down? Perhaps it was his big heart that always let you in, or the way you could talk to him and he would listen. Whatever it was, I was falling, and I was falling hard. It made me sick. Sick in a good way, but I hated it.

Every second.


Oh man.

That's all I can say.

Get ready for more soon!

Peace out


Word Count : 1,074

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