23) .The Aliens in Venice.

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.The Vampires of Venice.

~Catherine Wood~

Carlo, the servant, led me through the endless halls of the castle, staying silent the whole time. I didn't talk either, not really wanting to start a conversation with the man, but I was just glad when we came to a room where the vampire girls were streaming out of. Though the ladies glanced at me in an unemotional way, they didn't seem to recognize me. That was good, that mean I wouldn't get busted. I walked into the room and turned back to see Carlo, a grimace on his face.

"There are clothes on the bed," he growled. "Get changed and wait here." Without another word, he left.

There were no other girls in the room except one. She had darker skin, not yet completely pale, and she wasn't someone I recognized from the day before. I knew immediately who she was.

"Isabella," I muttered.

The girl's head turned quickly, looking around the room for the voice who had just spoken. When her eyes met mine, they softened. She saw my honey colored hair and my slightly tanner skin and knew I must have been a new recruit.

I gave her a smile and went over to her bed sitting next to her. "My name is Catherine but you can call me Cate. I know your Dad. Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but I need you to tell me what's going on. I know this is a school for girls, but they are turning them into something ... not human. What are they doing here?"

Isabella swallowed, hard. "They ... er, they come at night. They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, showing her that I really cared. "And what happens there? In the room, I mean."

"I wake up here," she said. "And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax." 

Definitely like a vampire. Could it be that they sucked her blood and replaced it with their own, like Amelia had hinted that they could do? I didn't mention these things to the girl, so she wouldn't be scared. Just as I opened my mouth to tell her everything would be okay, a bell rang, echoing through the room. I looked up, seeing where it came from, but there was no sign. Isabella hoped up, almost at a reaction and started walking to the door.

"Were are you going, Isabella?" I called after her.

She turned back and beckoned to me. "It is time for dinner. If we are late, the Signora will not be happy. Change, quickly."

I hopped up as well and went to the white dress. I shrugged off my own and swung the other one over my head, sticking the sonic screwdriver in my underwear, hoping no one would dare try and reach in there to find it.

Isabella giggled as she watched me try and find the most comfortable way to place it. "What is that?" she wondered.

I grinned, glad I had made her laugh at least a little. "It's something that will get us out of here. Now let's go to dinner and try not to die."

Isabella laughed again and grabbed my hand for comfort as she led me through the door and down the hall. I wasn't sad to say that I clutched her hand in mine, not only giving her comfort but also taking some for myself, because, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was completely and utterly afraid.


~Third Person~

The Doctor was worried. Did he doubt Catherine had the ability to get into the building, convince the group that she was a poor, parentless girl, and get them in while interrogating the group? Not at all. He knew she was fully capable of getting them in and getting herself out without any harm. She had done it before and there was no doubt that she could do it again. She was honestly the strongest person the Doctor knew. The only reason he was worried was because, as a human, she wasn't as strong as she used to be. That didn't mean she wasn't strong, but she was now vulnerable to everything, and for some unknown reason, that scared him immensely.

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