42) .The Cat.

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.The Lodger.

~Catherine Wood~

A knock came to the Doctor's door. The Doctor, working on something, glanced at me once and I groaned, knowing what he wanted. I got up from my position on the bed, moved around his odd contraption thing, and went to the door, cracking it open a bit so whoever was behind it wouldn't see what was hiding within the room. It was Craig, and his eyes almost bulged out of his skull, as though he wasn't expecting to see me in the Doctor's room with the door almost shut. I smiled at him warmly, however, silently promising him that it wasn't what it looked like when a small blush rose to my cheeks. 

"Hello, Cathy," he said slowly.

"Hey, Craig. What can I do for you?"

"Er, listen. Er, Sophie's coming round tonight and I was wondering if you could tell the Doctor to ... er ... give us some space?" 

My smile grew. Was he going to tell her? He better. From what I could tell, it was long enough. I nodded, giving him a suspicious look. 

"Don't worry, I'll drag him out of here before he can do anything rash, no need to worry about that." I gave him a sly wink and Craig blushed, but grinned, glad her had a friend in me. 

The Doctor shouted something odd behind me that made me wince. Something like, Yes! Perfect! What a beauty. But he dragged beauty out making it sound as though he was talking about a woman. I looked back at him as he stared at his completed contraption. I looked back at Craig. 

"Don't mind him." 

Craig tried to look past me into the room, but I closed the door a little more so he couldn't. 

"I could have sworn the Doctor would at least let me know when he wanted to be alone with a friend," Craig mumbled as he walked away. 

I blushed some more, but couldn't find the words to call after him. The Doctor and I were just friends even though I might not have felt the same way. I closed the door and plopped back on the bed. Man, I was exhausted. I leaned back against the pillow. 

"Who was it?" the Doctor wondered. I rolled my eyes.

"Who do you think?" I asked back in a harsher tone. 

"What was he talking about being alone with a friend?" 

Another blush came to my cheeks. "No idea. But I need to drag you away for a while so him and Sophie can have some alone time." 

"Well, I promise to wake you up when she comes over," he said. "You're tired. You're not used to behind human, you need some rest." 

"Doctor," I chided, "I've been more human for many months, I think I'm ... I'm-" A large yawn left my system. 

He was right. After being a different race for many years and not recognizing it, I really wasn't used to it. My eyes started to droop as the Doctor continued talking, to himself or to me I wasn't sure, but soon enough, I was asleep, the void of darkness overcoming me, and I sunk into the abyss of never ending dreams. 


~Third Person~

As the Doctor watched Catherine sleep, it reminded him of the many times he had stayed up talking to her, answering questions and calming her anxieties. He remembered so much about those small moments, that she loved hot chocolate preferred to midnight tea, that she always wore a jumper but got too hot and wore shorts as well, that she loved listening to the song of the TARDIS, even when she couldn't understand it. He remembered how well she told her stories. He wondered whatever happened to that book they had found in the museum. Perhaps it was hiding on a shelf somewhere, waiting to be read. The TARDIS would be keeping it safe, so he shouldn't worry, and yet he did. He felt so sorry for her, having her Eternality taken away from her at such a young age. Though she had lived through so much, she shouldn't have to live with it again.

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