40) .The Roommate.

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.The Lodger.

~Catherine Wood~

As soon as the TARDIS had landed, I went out to get a breath of fresh air. The Doctor said there was no such thing as 'getting tired of the TARDIS', but I was starting to think he was wrong. As much as I loved her vast insides and large hallways that could take you anywhere you wanted, she didn't grow trees or grass. If she did, I would have known by then.

"No, Amy, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Cindie Colesta," the Doctor said, interrupting my thoughts. "I think I can see a Ryman's." 

Suddenly, there was a gush of air that shoved both the Doctor and I down, him landing on top of me. He quickly rolled off just in time to see the TARDIS dematerialize. I hopped up immediately. Perhaps she would come back?

"Amy!" The Doctor called as if she could hear him. "Amy!"

"Doctor," I said. "I think we're stuck." 

The Doctor stood as well and came to my side, taking my hand. We stared at the place the TARDIS had just been.

"Yes," the Doctor agreed. "We might just be."

"What are we going to do?" 

The Doctor shook his head. "I honestly have no idea."


"What do you think?" The Doctor held a piece of paper in front of my face, too close to read. 

So far, it had been a day since the TARDIS had left us in 2010. We had stayed in a hotel over night (not really sleeping) and found an ATM to sonic for food money. We were currently at a small book shop that sold coffee, and (to my pleasure) hot chocolate. I pushed the hand away to see the paper properly.

"What do you think?" He asked again. 

It said 'Craig Owens needs a lodger'. It then listed a phone number and address below.


"Did you read the back?" 

"Yes, of course I read the back," I told him sarcastically. "Because I can obviously read through the paper." 

The Doctor blushed then turned the paper around. On the back was another name, Sophie who also needed a lodger. At the bottom was signed 'Amy xx'. I laughed. She must have written this in the future and put it in a spot for us to find in the coffee shop window.

"So Amy gave us a piece of paper so we could live in these apartments for a while while she is stuck up in the TARDIS that's hurtling toward her untimely death?" 

The Doctor nodded. "Precisely. She obviously knew what was going to happen when her future version wrote this, so it's best that we follow her advice." 

"We can't just show up, I argued. "We need rent and good compensation." 

The Doctor held out a bag that was filled with at least four hundred bills of twenty pounds. 

My jaw dropped. "You can't just go around stealing that stuff!"

"Why not?" He wondered.

"That's people's money!"

"They make new copies every day. They won't miss a few twenties." 

I slumped on the table, burying my hands in my arms. That wasn't exactly how money worked.


I stood on the front porch of a flat building, a bag of two hundred twenty pound bills in my hand. How the Doctor convinced me to do this, I didn't know. A hotel was just fine with me.

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