31) .The Hole in the Earth.

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.The Hungry Earth.

~Catherine Wood~

I was dressed for Rio. When I say Rio, I mean Rio. Like ... Rio in Brazil Rio, not some underground place in the year 2020 that was definitely not warm. But you know, when traveling with the Doctor, when was anything ever predictable? This was the first time I had worn a dress in what felt like years. It was a nice sundress with white flowers on it and almost reminded me of the dress the Maker wore. It went down to my knees and on my feet, I wore strappy sandals with straps that wrapped themselves around my ankles. My hair was pulled up in a bun on the top of my head and a few pieces of hair stuck out from it, getting in my eyes and I was constantly pushing them back. There was a lavender bow above the bun and if I had seen myself in a mirror that morning, I might have said I looked like a Barbie. I certainly felt pretty that day.

"So off to Rio!" The Doctor called, as he pulled levers and flipped switches. He threw a grin over his shoulder and my heart pounded in my chest, but I returned his smile. Amelia came popping around the corner, a large, toothy smile on her face. Rory came following closely behind her. Neither of them looked ready for Rio with puffy vests and jeans, though Amelia was wearing a short skirt, tights coming out underneath, looking odd. I would never understand her fashion. But don't tell her I said that.

"Ooo ..." she hummed, looking me up and down. "Never did I think I would see the day when you wore a dress." 

Blushing slightly, I threw my best friend a playful glare. Her words made the Doctor look up and he gave me a once over, looking surprised.

"You look ... nice," he said with a slight pause. 

I cocked my head to the side, ignoring my stomach. "Thanks for the hesitation. You really got me there with the compliment." 

The Doctor's jaw went slack, not realizing that I was clearly joking. "That-that's not-that-" 

I laughed at the Doctor's stutters, breaking him off. He finally noticed and closed his mouth, looking back to the console, a blush rising to his cheeks. I felt heat in my own as well, and changed my line of thinking to Amelia and Rory who were standing there looking (and I'm pretty sure feeling) awkward. However, Amelia bounced over to me and took my hands in hers excitedly.

"Are you feeling any better?" she asked, bouncing up and down on her toes. The smile on her face was the brightest I had ever seen it. She must have gotten a lot happier after making things clear with Rory back when the TARDIS was coming near a cold star and we were being killed by old people. I was glad for her. Her and Rory made a dashing pair. If Amelia and the Doctor had worked out, that would have made everything really, terribly awkward. 

I nodded. "Much." 

The TARDIS jolted and we were all thrown aside for a second, Rory catching Amelia and me catching myself. The Doctor, of course, balanced as always, hopped over to the door and pulled it open, taking a step out. He waved us toward him and I hurried over, excited to see Rio, one of the places I had never visited before. As soon as my skin touched the air, I knew something was off. I didn't need any fading Eternl instinct to tell me that. A shiver ran up my spine and I rubbed my hands across my bare arms, freezing cold. This was not Rio.

"Behold, Rio!" The Doctor called anyways, holding his hands up in the air dramatically.

"If this is Rio, then why is it so bloody cold?" I wondered, my teeth chattering together. 

"Not really getting the sunshine carnival vibe," Rory agreed.

"No?" The Doctor thought. "Ooo, feel that though. What's that?" The man began to jump up and down, turning in a circle before stopping and putting his fingers to his chin. "Ground feels strange." 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now