8) .The Pain Below.

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.The Beast Below.

~Catherine Wood~

I held my head in my hands, sitting in glop that was on a squishy bottom. I had an electric headache, and I had no idea why. I felt pain all over my body, and I knew it must have come from the creature that we were inside of. Wherever we where, whatever this was, it was in pain. A lot of pain. I felt a careful hand on my shoulder and I hardly noticed whoever it belonged to was calling out my name. 

"Catherine," they said. "Catherine, it's all right." 

I groaned. "It hurts. Please, Doctor. Please make it stop." I let out a small whimper as another pounding went through my head.

"What's wrong with her?" Amelia asked. 

The hand left my shoulder. "I have no idea, but it's nothing good."

"The pain," I answered. "This creature is sending me its pain." 

The hand was back, rubbing my back this time, trying to give me and small amount of comfort. It wasn't really working, but I was thankful for it. 

"What do you mean creature?" Amy's voice was shaky and I could tell she was afraid.

"If you can feel the creature's pain, maybe you can communicate with it," The Doctor stated, ignoring Amelia's comment. 

I nodded, slowly letting go of my head. I stood, holding on to the Doctor's arm for support. My legs were shaky, and if I didn't have anything support me, I was sure I would fall over. I stood anyways. My clothes were soaked and they clung to my body. There was a strong stench everywhere that smelled like rotting flesh. I would have noticed all of this, but the pain was too unbearable.

"Hello," I said quietly and calmly. "We aren't here to harm you. There is no need to eat us." The pain faltered for a moment, almost as if the creature understood. "I can feel your pain, and I would like to help you. But I need your help before we can do that." Nothing happened. I looked at The Doctor. "I don't think it's working." 

He shrugged. "Well, it was worth a try." The tongue beneath us started to rumble. "Its started." 

"What's started?" Amelia asked. 

I gulped. "The swallowing reflex." 

Amelia's eyes widened and she started walking over to the opening of the mouth.

"No, stop, don't move!" The Doctor called out. He pulled his screwdriver from his pocket and pointed it at the throat. 

"What are you doing?" I questioned this time.

"I'm vibrating the chemo-receptors."

"Chemo-what?" Amelia wondered.

"The eject button."

"How does a mouth have an eject button?" 

A wall of vomit came up out of the throat and I cringed.

"That's how," I answered. 

"Right, then," the Doctor said, rubbing his hands together. "This isn't going to be big on dignity. Geronimo!"


The Doctor took Amelia's head in his hands, examining her. "There's nothing broken," he stated, "there's no sign of concussion and yes, you are covered in sick." 

We smelled disgusting. Amelia was still in her night gown and I was in my casual clothes, and we were soaked. It was in my hair and I had to pull a couple chunks from it. Gross. 

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