14) .Victory of the Doctor.

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.Victory of the Daleks.

~Reid Wood~

Dr. Bracewell, a wonderful scientist, and someone I had grown to look up to, whether he was Dalek technology or not, was holding a gun to his head, ready to end his own life. Amy, Winston Churchill, and I raced into his lab, each panicking just as much as the others.

"Dr. Bracewell," I called to him. "Please put the gun down."

"My life is a lie," he said quietly, "and I choose to end it."

"In your own time, Paisley boy," Amy intruded. "Because right now, we need your help."

"But those creatures, my Ironsides, they made me?" Bracewell asked, mostly himself. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He really was an amazing robot. "I can remember things. So many things. The last war. The squalor and the mud and the awful, awful misery of it all. What am I? What am I?"

"What you are, sir," Churchill said, proudly, "is either on our side or theirs. Now, I don't give a damn if you're a machine, Bracewell. Are you a man?"

"Listen to me," I added. "I understand. Really, I do. But you need to look. There is a spaceship up there lighting up London for everyone to find. Thousands of people will die tonight if we don't stop it, and you are the only one who can help take it down." 

Amy nodded in agreement.

"I am?" Bracewell asked, hardly believing it.

"You're alien technology!" Amy burst. "You're as clever as the Daleks are, so start thinking. What about rockets? You got rockets? Because you said gravity whatsits, hyper-sonic flight, some kind of missile."

"This isn't a fireworks party, Miss Pond," Churchill chastised. "We need proper tactical. A missile or ..." he wandered off.

"Or what?" I questioned.

"You say there is something we could send up there?" 

Bracewell sighed. "Yes, well, with a gravity bubble the boy and I have been working on ... yes, but ... Theoretically it's possible that we could actually send something into space."

Churchill cracked a smile. "Bracewell, it's time to think big."


~Catherine Wood~

The knew race of Daleks, each a different color, sleek and new, destroyed the old ones, turning them to dust. My jaw dropped when I saw the others turn, unfazed at having killed some of their own, no matter how ready they were to sacrifice themselves.

"Man!" I exclaimed in a mutter so only the Doctor could hear me. "What do they do with the ones who mess up?"

"You are the Doctor," the white Dalek croaked, its voice sharp and demanding. "You will be exterminated." It turned to me, its eye stalk reaching through my eyes. I could almost feel the anger it was waving at me. "You are the Destroyer, we will get our revenge." 

The Doctor held up the cookie which he was using as a trick. He took a couple steps forward, not before giving me a meaningful telling me he would try a bad explain everything later. "Don't mess with me, sweetheart," he taunted.

"Doctor," I whispered, a chill running up my spine. It wasn't an evil chill, but rather one of relief. "We're being watched," I told him. He didn't look back, but I knew he heard me when he gave me a thumbs up behind his back with his open hand. He must have known because he didn't seem worried.

"Question is what do we do now?" He continued. "Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and your new paradigm into eternity."

"And yourself," the white Dalek added truthfully. The Doctor shrugged.

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