4) .The Second Alien.

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.The Eleventh Hour.

~Amelia Pond~

My phone buzzed and I quickly pulled it out of my pocket. Opening it, it read DUCK, in all capital letters. I pulled Rory down with me as we did what Cat had told us to do. Not a second later, the window to our right shattered and the top of a ladder peaked through, coming to just where we were. Cat climbed through, dropping down next to Rory, the doctor following right at her heals. 

"Right, hello! Am I late?" 

My eyes widened. That was not at all what I was expecting. I looked over at my best friend who was smiling like she had just been given a huge present on her birthday. She looked happier than she had in a long time. She really was getting a kick out of all of this. I knew what she felt. 

"Nope," Cat responded. "Three minutes to go. So still time." 

They were really getting along. I felt a pound of jealousy in my stomach. Rory, seeming to notice this glanced at me. 

"Time for what, Eternl?" Prisoner Zero asked. 

Cat gave the woman a look.

"What did you call her?" the Doctor responded back with a question. It was as though he knew what the creature was talking about. 

"Do you not know? Oops..." Prisoner Zero didn't sound very sorry. 

"What's an Eternl?" Cat asked the man next to her. 

He ignored her. "Take the disguise off. They'll find you in a heartbeat. Nobody dies." The Doctor changed the subject. I realized why. We only had two minutes left, there was no time to get distracted. Two minutes to what, I didn't know. There was at least five minutes left until the world was gone. 

"The Atraxi will kill me this time," Prisoner Zero told us. "If I am to die, let there be fire."  

"Okay," the Doctor argued. "You opened a crack in space and time. Why not just open another one and leave?" 

Prisoner Zero smiled. "I did not open the crack."

"Someone did."

"The Cracks in the universe, you don't know where they came from, do you?" The alien sneered at him.

 Cat gasped and I looked over to her. She stood as stiff as a board and the Doctor held onto her as if she was going to fall over. "The universe is cracked," she called out as if in a trance. "The Pandorica will open and silence will fall!" She fell back, The Doctor catching her and handing her off to Rory who held her with care. Standing her back up, she looked hazy. 

I reached out my hand to her and she took it, squeezing back telling me she was okay. I had no idea what happened, but whatever it was, it might have led to the 'Eternl' thing, whatever that was.

"The Doctor doesn't know," Prisoner Zero taunted. "The Doctor doesn't know." 

Instead of frown like I assumed the Doctor would do, he cracked a smile. "And we're off!" he declared. He pointed at the clock. "Look at that! Look at that!" I looked and indeed something was off. the clock read all zeros unlike most clocks. "Yeah, I know, just a clock. Whatever. But do you know what's happening right now? In one little bedroom, my team are working. Jeff and the world. And do you know what they're doing? They're spreading the word all over the world, quantum fast. The word is out. And do you know what the word is? The word is Zero. Now, me, if I was up in the sky in a battleship, monitoring all Earth communications, I'd probably take that as a hint. And if I had a whole battle fleet surrounding the planet, I'd be able track a simple old computer virus to its source in, what, under a minute? The source, by the way, is right here." 

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