11) .Victory of the British.

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.Victory of the Daleks.

~Catherine Wood~

"So ... you're an alien from another planet with an infinite life span and the last of your kind after and now you're traveling with another alien called The Doctor and Amy across time and space saving people ... that ... is ... really ... awesome?" 

I chuckled. "You sound confused."

"I'm not, I promise. Well ... maybe a little." 

I waved a hand. Indicating for him to go on. 

"If you had another life that you can't remember, why shouldn't you have memories?"

That was a good point. I hardly knew what to say. "I don't understand it all," I explained. "Everything is so confusing. In this world that we've discovered, there are things like magic and science that are all one in the same. I haven't figured everything out yet. Perhaps it's a case like the Doctor's. He regenerates into a new person when he gets old or harmed. It seems impossible, but is real."

"I guess that makes sense," he replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "The answer to the meaning of life isn't going to be right in front of you." 

I laughed. "It's forty two."

He looked at me in confusion. 

I shook my head. "Never mind."

"Well, I want to help you," Reid decided, getting back on track.

"With what?"

"With figuring out what your memories are and what your life before hand was."

"Absolutely not," I said. "You can't stay here! Traveling is dangerous! If you stay you might die!" 

Reid nodded. "That's a price I'm willing to pay for. You mean the world to me, Cate. I wouldn't be here without you. I haven't seen you in years. We need to hang out. Plus, school is out and I need something to do," he added. 

I snorted. "Were your online classes getting too boring for you?" 

He rolled his eyes. "You have no idea."

"Well, I'll have to ask the Doctor, so I don't promise anything."

"If you can't convince him, I will."


"Winston called again," The Doctor said as I entered the room.

"Again?" I asked.

"He's getting real desperate, classic Winston." He was playing with the controls on the console, most likely getting ready to leave. 

I fiddled with my hands, really nervous all of a sudden. My face was flushed for some reason and I just wanted to leave the room and tell Reid that The Doctor had said no. I really hoped that was the answer.

"I know this is a crazy question," I started, "But I was wondering if Reid could come along with us? He really wanted me to ask." I held my breath.

"Yeah, sure," he absentmindedly answered. 

I let out a breath of disappointment. 

The Doctor looked up. "You don't want him to come. Why?" 

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "It's not that I don't want him to come, I just don't want him to get hurt."

"I understand. That is the price I have to pay whenever I allow others to come along with me on the TARDIS. It's hard, losing someone. I've lost many. Many I loved." The Doctor glanced back down at the console, his expression drooping. 

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now