29) .Not Just Amelia's Choice.

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.Amy's Choice.

~Catherine Wood~

I sat up immediately, formulating. Why was this about me? Why was it always about me? Something seemed so connected to me for some reason. River, the Weeping Angels, the wispers of the world, my newly missing Eternality. I knew it was all connected somehow, but why? Was the universe testing me? Was it really all for me. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. The Maker's words echoed through my mind. Words that my mother used all the time. When all you need is a little push, jump before they have time to do it and the choice you make will be your own. A chill ran up my spine and I realized I was cold. Really cold. Why was I cold? My head hurt a lot and I realized I had over exerted myself. I must have no longer been in control. The Doctor approached me and held out a hand. I gladly took it and he helped me up.

"Nine minutes till impact," he told us.

I moved to Amelia and wrapped my arms around her, keeping as much warmth as I could. She hugged me back, holding onto me for dear life.

"What temprature is it?" I wondered.

The Doctor held his arms to himself, running his hands up and down against them creating friction. "Outside?" He shivered. "How many noughts have you got? Inside? I don't know but I can't feel my feet and other parts." He paused for a moment, thinking about what he had just said and I let out a small giggle that didn't really escape, but turned into a teeth chatter.

"I think all my parts are basically fine," Rory decided and the Doctor threw him a glare.

"Stop competing."

Amelia and I shared a look and she pulled away from me, grabbing the couple of poncho blankets we had made and tossed them to the boys.

"Put these on," she commanded, stuffing her own over her head.

Since I was wearing mine, I had no need, but I was sure I was quite warmer then the rest since mine had been absorbing my heat for some time. However, I was still freezing cold, and not being able to take that away made that a lot harder.

"Oh, a poncho," Rory groaned. "The biggest crime against fashion since lederhosen." I laughed.

"Here we go," Amelia called, bringing me into a group hug with everyone, preserving heat. "Our boys. Our poncho boys. If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band."

"We're not going to die," I told her, not really watching myself this time. I knew the truth. We might have frozen to death, but the death was far from real.

"No, we're not," The Doctor agreed. He pulled away and started pacing back and forth, his fingers under his chin and one of his hands making its way through his hair. "But our time's running out. If we fall asleep here we're in trouble. If we could divide up, like how Catherine stayed on the TARDIS longer than the rest of us, then we'd have an active presence in each world, but The Maker is switching us between the worlds. Why? Why? what's the logic?"

The Maker appeared with a pop and paced alongside the man. She was also wearing a blanket poncho, but from underneath, I could see her purple dress back in place.

"Good idea, veggie," she said, making the Doctor jump.

He froze and so did she, but she still had her finger on her nose. That was something that I did when I thought! I shook my head in disgust. The Maker was really getting on my nerves.

"Let's divide you four up, so I can have a little chat with our lovely Miss Amelia. I've already talked with Catherine, so why not? Maybe I'll keep Amelia, and you can have Pointy Nose and Mister Veggitable to yourself for all eternity," she suggested pointing to me. With a shrug she added, "should you manage to clamber aboard some sort of reality."

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now