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~Catherine Wood~

Light peaked through the window curtains, making me stir. A groaning Amelia tightened her grip around my waist. My eyes fluttered open and I carefully moved my best friend's arm off of me and scooted out of the bed.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was here, in Amelia's room. It had been what felt like ages since I'd slept in there with Amelia. My memory was all fuzzy and I hardly remembered what had happened the previous day. There was an explosion, no, a bachelorette party, no ... I couldn't remember right.

Then it all came to me, almost like a vision. The Pandorica, the explosion, the cracks in the wall, the possibility of my people still being alive. I turned from the bed and rushed out the door and to my room where I knew it would be sitting on the bed. The bed that was there again.

And there it was, the Vortex Manipulator, my gift from River. On it was a small sticky note, words from River written on it. Under it was a bright blue notebook in the shape of a journal. Mine and River's journal. I picked it up and opened it, surprised to find it blank. Where was everything? I picked up the sticky note, hoping to would give me a clue. On it was written two sentences.

If she hasn't remembered yet, this is sure to help. Don't peak. 

I smiled at how the words reminded me of her. I wondered what happened to her after the explosion. What happened to all of us?

Rory, River, Amelia, and I all huddled in the corner, watching the Doctor inside the Pandorica go into the exploding TARDIS and create a second big bang. Before that happened, however, the Doctor warned me that I couldn't save him, but only Amelia could. He said that I would be able to go across the universe to find my family. They were alive now. The thought made my heart race.

I stuffed the vortex manipulator in my pocket and went back out of my room, the journal still in my hand. I wasn't looking where I was going and almost ran smack dab into Mrs. Tabetha Pond, whom I had never met before. When I saw her, my eyes widened with panic, wondering how she got into our house, but then I remembered, there were no cracks. There was no way for young Amelia Pond's parents to disappear. They had been a part of my life the whole time.

"Oh, hello there, dear," Tabetha said with a smile. "Up and about already, I see. You never were one for sleeping." 

My eyes widened again. 'Never were one for sleeping', she had said. Did that really mean- ... the cracks had never existed, that meant I wasn't human anymore. A large grin erupted on my face.

"Never will I ever sleep again after this moment!" I declared. 

I wrapped my arms around Tabetha's neck, then, realizing that she was carrying two breakfast trays, caught one just as it fell from her hands. Instead of getting mad, Tabetha laughed.

"You must be very excited. Not even Amelia's as excited as you are." 

I chuckled right along with her. "I doubt that. I'm sure Amelia will be very happy to see you this morning." 

And I was right. When we walked into her room, she jumped up and almost strangled her mother as if she hadn't ever seen her before. And, she hadn't, though she didn't know it. I held the journal behind my back, keeping it hidden, knowing then was not the time to bring something so important up.

Amelia's wedding dress was beautiful. It was white with spaghetti straps that I didn't think I could ever wear, but looked perfect on her. I, of course, helped Tabetha in assisting her to get ready and in return, they helped me.

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now