28) .Amelia's Folly.

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.Amy's Choice.

~Catherine Wood~

I woke up with my head pounding. Wasn't it all fake pain? Well, I supposed, now that I knew the truth and that I was now partly in control of the dream, that could mean my brain energy was running out quicker, and since I was only part Eternl, my brain energy was wearing thin. When I awoke, or mainly switched dreams, I awoke in the Doctor's arms, bouncing up and down, so I only assumed he was walking. He seemed to carry me with ease and I wondered why he was carrying me instead of just waiting. My eyes fluttered open and I stirred, letting him know I had awoken. He stopped and let me down to stand up straight.

"Why didn't you fall asleep as quickly as us?" he asked.

I shrugged, rubbing my temples to silence the pain. It quickly ceased. "The Maker wanted me to know something," I told him truthfully.

"What was it?"

Classic Doctor, always full of questions wanting to know how the world worked. That was why I loved him so much. No .. wait .. I didn't love him. This is all a dream, remember?

"If I told you, you wouldn't like it," I said, simply.

Satified with at least that, he nodded and moved over to the swings where he sat down. Amelia was already sitting there, looking grumy. I laughed and pushed her in the swing slightly, getting her attention. Surprised, she turned to me.

"Finally!" She sighed. "You're awake."

"What's wrong?" I asked, ignoring her comment.

"Do you find this dull?" she asked back.

I shook my head. "It's Leadworth. What's dull about it. Compared to the TARDIS, yeah, dull, but not dull dull."

Amelia gave the others a proud smile. "See. My life is not dull."

"Now, we all know there's an elephant in the room," The Doctor said, ignoring Amy who gave him a glare.

"I have to be this size, I'm having a baby," she said.

I laughed, knowing that was not what the Doctor meant.

"No, no. The hormones seem real, but no. Is nobody going to mention that 'The Maker', or whatever she is calling herself, said that Catherine had figured this all out."

My eyes widened. He remembed. The Maker had slipped. I didn't know what I would say without giving myself away. They each looked at me and I shrugged.

"Perhaps The Maker is lying," I said. "She's not necissarily good ..."

What did I say about lying? Yeah ... I guess I was lying. The Doctor stood, peering at me curiously. My breath hitched in my throat and just when I thought he was going to chew me out, he turned, looking over at the bridge leading to some of the sights.

"I don't know about you, but I wouldn't hire Mrs Poggit as a babysitter," he told Rory suddenly. "What's she doing? What does she want?"

Mrs. Poggit looked over her shoulder and noticed us looking. I urged her to go on and she continued walking up. The sudden tweet of birds filled the air and it was too late. I thanked the air and dropped to the ground, the Doctor catching me before I fell unconcious.


When I woke up, cold filled my body and I immediately blocked it out, feeling warm again. I didn't care if the others were cold. Their pain wasn't real, but I wouldn't let myself stay cold when I could feel warm. The point was for them to feel it.

Shooting Star // Eternalian Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now