16) .The Time of Fright.

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.The Time of Angels.

~Catherine Wood~

"And why are we doing this again?" I asked the Doctor as we swung through space and time in the TARDIS. Apparently there was a message that the Doctor had found inside the museum that the Eternl book was found in. Someone needed help, so we were going. The Doctor seemed to have an attachment to the person that sent the message. If he knew who it was, then 

"Because someone on a spaceship twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working." 

I shook my head. He was doing it all wrong.

"Plug it in there instead." I pointed to the opposite side of the monitor and the Doctor gave me a soft glare as he plugged the cord in. I gave him a toothy smile.

The screen lit up and a curly haired woman filled the space. She brought her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose and winked at the camera. I glanced at the Doctor with a smirk.

"Do you have something to tell us?" I asked him. Amelia gave him the same look. His face was bright red and he refused to make eye contact with any of us. He didn't even answer my question.

"The party's over, Doctor Song," a man off screen said.

"I needed to see what was in your vault," the woman, Doctor Song said. "Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something. This ship won't reach its destination."

"Triple seven five," she continued. "Slash three four nine by ten twelve zero slash acorn."

"What was that?" Amelia asked as the screen shut off. "What did she say?"

"Those were coordinates," I answered for her as the Doctor typed the words in.

It didn't take that long to get to those locations, but when we had arrived, there was nowhere to land. We were in the middle of space. How was Doctor Song going to get to us if we were in the middle of space?

"Catherine, will you to go open the door and catch her, please?" The Doctor asked me. 

I nodded and rushed to the door, pushing it open. So that was how we were going to get her in? She was just going to take a leap of faith and hope the Doctor caught her in time?

A body collided with mine, sending me to the floor. A woman was on top of me, the woman from the screen, the woman named Doctor Song. I looked at her and she stared back, surprise in her features.

"Rin?" She asked calling me something I'd never heard before. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Do I ... know you?" 

The woman rolled off of me and held out a hand to help me up. I hesitantly took it and let her pull me to my feet.

"You did, long ago, or ... you will ... in the far future." She shook her head slightly. "I'm saying too much. It's nice to meet you, finally, I guess." She stuck her nicely manicured hand out for me to shake and I grasped it firmly. "I'm River Song ... your ... nevermind." I wanted to ask her to go on, but she moved toward the Doctor, smiling.

"River?" He asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Follow that ship," was all she said. 

So the Doctor did.

"They've gone into warp drive!" River called. "We're losing them. Stay close."

"I'm trying!" The Doctor urged.

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