15) .Old Goodbyes and New Hellos.

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.Old Goodbyes and New Hellos.

~Catherine Wood~

After saying our goodbyes to the group of the war and telling Dr. Bracwell to search for his Dorrabella, I had to practically drag Reid back to the TARDIS, he didn't want to leave. However, it was his time to go. And I didn't just mean from London in World War Two.

"You mean, you're taking me home?" Reid questioned me in a hurry, hardly understanding my words.

"You saw how dangerous it was out there. You're just a kid and you've been to London during world war two."

"But I was fine!" He argued.

"We almost died!" I shouted, losing my temper for a moment. "I-I'm sorry. I just love you more then anything Reid, and if I lost you, I have only one person to blame, and that's myself. How do you think I could live with explaining that to Dad and Dee-Dee?" 

Reid sighed. "I guess you're right. I guess I'll go home. But whenever you have an adventure that is safe enough for me to come, I want in." 

I smiled softly, pulling my brother into a hug. "Deal. Just ... be safe in the real world will you?" I asked. "Not everything is as crazy as it is here." 

Reid pulled away and laughed. "Okay, I will. I'll look for you every night, you know that?" 

I rubbed his head of hair, making him wince slightly. "You wouldn't be my brother if you didn't."

When I did see him off, of course I cried. I knew I was going to see him again, but something in the back of my heart contradicted me.

Would I really die out here? As an Eternal with tough skin and connections to the world, was there really a chance? For the first time, I softly regretted my choice to come on the TARDIS. But this was where I belonged. This was starting to feel like home.

Amelia and I slept in the same room that night like we had many times before. We would chat like girls, squealing when talking about boys, but that night was different. We held each other, Amelia talking happily, and me lost in my own thoughts. When Amelia finally fell asleep, I let my dreams take me.


You are the Destroyer.

A monster.

A killing machine.

You don't belong here.

You don't belong anywhere.

Why are you even still alive?

When all you do is destroy?


I woke in a cold sweat and quickly slipped out of bed, hoping not to wake Amelia who was sleeping happily just as she was awake. I quietly opened the door and snuck out the the bathroom to wash my face.

When I dried off my hands, I noticed they were shaking out of fear. There was no point in going back to bed, so I wandered through the TARDIS, in search of the control room. My room had moved again which meant the Doctor was changing and adding rooms.

I reached the control room, still in my pajamas (which consisted of short shorts and a long sweatshirt) and now freezing cold. I brushed my fingers along the console, letting the TARDIS help me learn the controls.

"Couldn't sleep?" 

I jumped and squealed, turning as quickly as I could with my hands out stretched, ready to karate chop the enemy. When I realized it was only the Doctor, I put my hands down and gave him a hard glare.

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