Loki X Reader: Magic Lessons (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Magic Lessons (One-Shot!)


Loki was the king of Asgard and a cruel one at that. Everyone that had teased him as a child was sent to prison or executed; most of the women who turned him down as a young man were turned into slaves. You were one of those slaves; you were in charge of cleaning the king's chambers.

You walked into Loki's bedroom and picked up a pair of socks, "Slob..." You whispered to yourself and put them into the laundry basket.

You picked up the laundry basket about to walk out of the room when you saw an old book sitting on the king's desk; you put the laundry basket down.

You walked up to the desk looking at the cover that was covered in Nordic markings, "A book of magic" You smiled and quickly put the book into your front apron pocket.

"What are you doing?" An angry voice asked.

You turned around seeing the king standing feet away from you, "My king" You quickly bowed, "Would you like anything my lord?" You asked.

Loki pulled the book out of your apron pocket, "Stealing from your king!" Loki shouted angrily but gasped staring at you. 

"I...I... My king..." You looked scared.

Loki was completely mesmerized by your beauty; he couldn't help but stare into your (E/C) eyes that shimmered in the candlelight.

"It's not what it looks like! My lord..." You muttered softly.

Loki took a deep breath and put his hand up silencing you, "Explain to me why you were stealing from me, if you tell the truth I shall spare you" Loki said.

"I realized that this is a book of magic" You muttered softly.

"Well of course it is" Loki rolled his eyes.

"I'm trying to learn magic and I thought it would help me, I wasn't stealing I was simply borrowing" You snapped angrily.

"You dare talk to your king like that!" Loki growled as his voice echoed around the room.

You cowered slightly taking a step back.

"KNEEL!" Loki shouted as his voice boomed against the bedroom walls.

You fell to your knees and looked down at the floor not daring to look up at your king, making eye contact with him would either mean torture or being sentenced to prison for life.

"There are not many witches in Asgard, what makes you want to learn magic?" Loki asked.

"My mother was a witch, she died when I was a child and she never got to teach me" You muttered softly.

Loki collected his thoughts before looking down at you, he gently lifted your chin, "I, your king, shall teach you magic" Loki said holding out the book to you.

You took the book looking at Loki shocked.

"Well go on stand up, do you want me to teach you or not?" Loki asked.

You quickly stood up, "You do not have to teach me magic my king" You muttered softly.

Honestly, Loki wanted to spend time with you, he thought that you were beautiful and he wanted to get to know you better.

"I'm the best magician you'll ever meet, do you want my help or not?" Loki asked.

"Of course I want your help my king" You bowed and walked up to Loki. 

"Study that book tonight and come to my chambers in the morning, then I shall teach you magic" Loki said before leaving the bedroom. You watched Loki leave; you quickly shook your head snapping yourself out of the daze you were in. You then resumed cleaning.

The next morning

You knocked on the king's bedroom door, you heard a loud yawn and a muffled Come in. You opened the door and walked into Loki's bedroom; you closed the door behind you and bowed. You turned around seeing Loki still lying in bed.

Loki looked at you with tired eyes, obviously he had just awoken from sleeping, he rubbed his eyes and got out of bed looking around for his robe.

You gasped and quickly turned away realizing that your king was naked, "My king!" You blushed.

Loki looked down and quickly pulled a sheet off of his bed and covered his crotch, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to show off my parts like that to you" Loki smiled innocently.

You giggled and smiled softly, "It's fine" You blushed even more.

Loki quickly put on his robe, "Magic lesson, right" He chuckled tying his robe up, he walked up to you.

"First do you require anything my king?" You asked.

"I do require one thing..." Loki muttered softly walking up to you, he had a grin on his face from ear to ear, he leaned in and pressed his soft and somewhat cold lips to yours.

You quickly pulled away looking at him shocked, "I am here to learn magic nothing more!" You snapped and slapped Loki.

Loki grabbed your wrist, "You're glad I don't have you executed for doing that" Loki hissed.

"I'm sorry my king..." You muttered softly looking down sadly.

"You don't need to apologize..." Loki whispered to you gently lifting your chin.

You blushed looking deeply into his emerald green eyes, "I shouldn't have shouted at you, may we please move forward to my magic lesson... My king?" You asked.

Loki was silent and just nodded and walked over to his bed and sat down.

You walked over to the bed and sat down across Loki, you wondered why your king looked so sad.

"Did you study the book?" Loki asked.

You nodded looking at Loki concerned, "Loki...?" You asked.

"That's king to you!" Loki shouted before back handing you.

"I apologize my king... I was just wondering why you looked so sad..." You muttered softly looking down sadly.

"Why does everyone look at me with such disgust and hate but you don't?" Loki asked.

"I'm the only one who doesn't hate you and is disgusted by you, but I'm starting to second guess myself..." You muttered softly.

Loki wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you toward him, he kissed you passionately, he then pushed you away.

You looked at Loki confused.

"What is happening to me? I'm so angry around you but at the same time I just want to pin you against a wall and kiss you, hold you..." Loki muttered softly.

"I know this is foolish to say, but perhaps you are smitten..." You muttered softly.

"Why would it be foolish for you to say that?" Loki asked.

"You're the king of the nine realms, like you would be in love with one of your petty slaves who has been in love with you since we were teenagers and only turned you down because I was foolish and said no because I was nervous" You blurted.

Loki looked at you shocked, "Why didn't you say something before?" Loki asked gently stroking your cheek wiping away a few of your tears.

"I came into your room and snooped around so see if you had been accompanied by another woman... I didn't say anything because it's not my place to say and I thought you hated me..." You sniffled.

"So foolish..." Loki whispered to you and pulled you into a gentle hug, "I've always loved you (Y/N), I always will" Loki lovingly kissed your forehead. You looked up at Loki; "I will always love you my king" You smiled kissing Loki lovingly.  

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