Loki X Reader: One Last Goodbye (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: One Last Goodbye (One-Shot!)

It had been many years since you had last seen your long-lost love, you had met him when you were very young but now, you were old and frail, spending your last few years that you had left in a senior's home. You were sitting on the porch knitting like you usually did every evening when you heard the door of your room creak open.

You carefully stood and picked up your cane, walking inside, you saw the door ajar but thought nothing of it, before closing it.

"Hello darling...", A husky voice greeted, he stepped out of the shadows and smiled happily at you.

"Oh, you must be one of the resident's children, a handsome one at that" You smiled softly, looking around for your cane, though you gripped it tightly in your hand.

"No, darling... Don't you remember me?" Loki asked, he walked up to you and took your hand in his, "It's been a very long time since I last saw you, you're still as beautiful as the day I met you, perhaps even more" He smiled.

"My memory is going dearie, where did you say you were from?" You asked.

Loki feared the worst, he let out a brief sigh and lovingly stroked your hand, "I've come to visit you from a very far away place... I've visited before" He said, managing to crack a smile.

"Would you like a cup of tea dear?" You asked.

"I'd love a cup of tea..." Loki smiled, taking off his black blazer, hanging it on the back of the door before sitting down at the table.

You turned on the kettle then opened the cupboard, grabbing two mugs, you placed them down on the counter before placing a tea bag into each cup.

"How do you like your tea dear?" You asked.

"Cream and honey is fine darling" Loki muttered softly, letting out a brief sigh.

You nodded and shakily poured hot water into both mugs. You placed the mugs down on the table before putting some sugar and honey on the table, along with a small dish filled with sugar.

Loki gave you a loving smile, he got up and grabbed two spoons from the drawer before sitting back down at the table.

"I know it's been a while but I've missed you, will you tell me that story again about the man you fell in love with..." Loki smiled, pouring some cream and honey into his tea.

You looked up at him and smiled, "Oh, it was a very long time ago... I was very young when I met him, he was from another world but you wouldn't understand that..." You muttered softly.

"He was a very handsome man... Mischievous too, always getting himself into trouble" You chuckled.

Loki took a sip of his tea but frowned.

"I will never forget his deep, emerald green eyes, his smile..." You smiled happily, "You see I met him when I was very young, I was just about to turn nineteen when I first met him... His brother had brought me to Asgard... Such a lovely place..." You sighed.

"While Thor and I were sneaking around the kingdom, his brother just so happened to pass by, our eyes met... It was love at first sight..." You smiled brightly and couldn't help but blush.

"Only a few days later, Thor's brother came to visit me... I was all alone that night, it was my birthday and I thought everyone had forgotten but somehow he knew..." You muttered softly.

Loki smiled happily, listening to your every word intently.

"Ever since that night he visited me almost every week... Then the visits became more frequent, we fell in love... It was that simple..." You smiled, "But he changed..." You sighed.

"Why? What happened?" Loki asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"He wanted very much to impress his father and his brother, he wanted to take his fathers place and rule the nine realms... But his father wouldn't let him, deemed him a freak because of where he came from" You huffed.

"Loki was never the same since then... I didn't see him for a while after that... But before I knew it I saw him on the news, that he was attacking New York... I knew he wouldn't do this on his own... I knew someone had put him up to this but he never told me..." You sighed.

"After The Battle of New York, he visited me one last time, he told me loved me... But I wouldn't get to see him for a while... He told me had made many mistakes and now he had to pay for them..." You muttered softly, your eyes beginning to well up with tears.

"After a year or so, he visited me again... He told me he had to help his brother and pay him back for all the wrong that he had done... Then, Thor visited me a few days later... He had passed away but died a hero..." You cried, quickly wiping your tears.

"Did you ever see him again? Didn't you ever think it was just one of his illusions?" Loki asked.

"I always wondered but I never did see him again, though the last time he visited me... He asked me to marry him... Gave me this ring... I haven't taken it off since..." You smiled, showing Loki the ring.

Loki smiled at the sight of the ring, he let out a brief sigh before standing up, "Oh, will you look at the time... I should get going (Y/N)..." He said.

"Of course..." You smiled, "Did you enjoy the tea and cookies?" You asked.

"Yes, it was lovely... Surely, you'll have to come over for tea at my house one day..." Loki smiled, he gave you a loving peck on the cheek, with a snap of his fingers; a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers speared on your nightstand.

Loki put his blazer back on before opening the door and biding you goodbye, he closed the door behind him and took a deep breath, quickly wiping away his tears.

Thor patted him on the back and gave him a gentle hug, "Does she remember anything?" He asked.

"She spoke fondly of me but she'll probably never remember my face... How much longer does she have left, this disease is tearing her apart, she doesn't deserve to spend the last of her days like this..." Loki sighed, letting out a slight growl.

"It is a mortal disease, it's called Alzheimer's... Causes your memories to deteriorate, in the worse cases they can even forget who they are themselves..." Thor sighed.

It utterly broke Loki's heart that you hardly remembered him anymore, "You didn't answer my question..." Loki muttered softly.

"You ask me this every time you visit, she's getting worse brother... I told you before we arrived that this may be the last time you see her, I'm sorry" Thor sighed. 

"I don't want it to be the last time, it pains me that I will live on and she's stuck in here rotting away..." Loki sighed sadly, "At least she'll always remember you..." Thor said; "Not to the fullest... I will never love another woman..." Loki said sternly, holding the door open for his brother.

"I'm sure you'll find another woman" Thor grinned, trying to cheer up his brother, "No woman could ever compare to (Y/N)... It's a shame I never got to marry her" Loki sighed, walking out of the senior's home with his brother.

© Fan-Fic written by Mind-Wolf

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