Loki X Reader: Insanity (One-Shot)

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You walked into Asgardian Prison with two guards, you slowly walked up to Loki’s cell as you just stared at Loki who was sitting on his best tossing an object in the air over and over again, You watched Loki and sighed looking down.

Loki suddenly stopped and put the object down, he turned his head slightly and looked at you, Loki than got up off his bed and slowly walked toward you.

“I want to go inside…” You muttered to one of the guards.

“He might hurt you milady…” The guard looked at you worried.

“I said I want to go inside!” You let out a slight growl as the guard quickly walked away.

A few moments later the force field went down, you slowly walked up the steps and walked into Loki’s cell, you saw the force fields go up again as you looked at Loki curiously.

“What are you doing here?” Loki asked glaring at you.

“I want to talk to him alone!” You glared at the guards around Loki’s cell, they quickly walked off, you turned and looked back at Loki.

“Answer my question” Loki demanded.

“I came here to visit you… I hear you weren’t doing so well…” You looked at Loki worried.

“Where have you heard that?” Loki asked.

“Loki… rumors are festering all over Asgard…” You slowly walked toward Loki.

Loki quickly backed away from you, “Don’t you dare say my name… and besides… you don’t even know if those damn rumors are true!” Loki growled.

“Are they true?” You asked.

“I’m not talking to you about this!” Loki growled angrily.

“Loki! What the hell is going on with you!?” You shouted angrily taking a step toward Loki.

Loki growled angrily and grabbed you by the neck, “What did I say? I don’t want to talk about it!” Loki growled angrily.

“It’s about Frigga isn’t it?” You looked at Loki sadly.

“Don’t you dare speak of her!” Loki snapped.

“Look Loki… I understand how you feel… she was the only women you ever truly loved, the women you thought most understood you, the one that cared for you and was always there for you… but Loki… she’s not coming back…” You sighed.

Loki gripped your neck harder as tears began clouding his eyes.

“Loki…” You gasped trying to reach out for him, “Please… I just want to help you!” You cried.

Loki unhanded you but pushed you to the floor, “I don’t need help!” Loki shouted angrily, “Why would you want to help someone who betrayed The Mighty Thor! WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO HELP A MONSTER!!!?” Loki screamed angrily as he leaned against the wall falling to the floor.

You slowly got up, “Loki…” You slowly walked toward Loki but quickly stopped when Loki sent a glare at you.

Loki growled angrily as he screamed as loud as he could, Loki screamed in anger once more as he then leaned back against the wall clenching his fists.

You saw tears slowly slip down Loki’s cheeks; you slowly walked over to Loki kneeling down in front of him, “Please don’t cry Loki…” You begged gently wiped Loki’s tears.

Loki screamed at you angrily at slapped you.

You winced but slowly crawled over to Loki and sat in his lap, you wiped the blood from your mouth.

Loki slapped you again this time even harder.

You looked at Loki sadly and wiped even more blood from your mouth.

Loki was about to backhand you when he saw you whimper.

“L-Loki…” You muttered softly looking up at Loki, “I don’t care if you beat me, I still love you…” You muttered softly.

“Then why did you leave me long ago?” Loki asked looking at you sadly.

“I regretted it Loki… I didn’t mean to leave you… I love you…” You mumbled spitting out the blood that was in your mouth.

Loki growled angrily and this time punched you, “Do you know how much pain you caused me?!” Loki growled.

You whimpered and coughed up blood, “I’m sorry…” You whispered.

“SORRY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!” Loki punched you again, tears streamed down Loki’s cheeks but he glared at you angrily.

“Loki stop…” You begged, tears were streaming down your cheeks, your nose and mouth now covered in blood, “I still love you Loki… I’m sorry… What else more do you want from me?” You asked looking up at Loki.

“I WANT TO BE LOVED!!!” Loki screamed angrily grabbing your hair.

“I love you Loki… my heart is yours…” You sobbed.

“LIAR!!!” Loki screamed about to punch you again but he stopped looking at you sadly, Loki had noticed that you were still wearing his ring that he had given you long ago, he gave this ring to you, to show you how much he truly loved you.

“I would never lie to you…” You whispered to Loki.

Loki let go of you as he grabbed your hand looking at the ring on your finger, “You’re still wearing this?” Loki looked at you surprised.

“I’ve never taken it off…” You looked at Loki trying to whip the blood from your nose and mouth.

Loki gently lifted your chin, “I took mine off a long time ago…” Loki muttered.

“And when you took it off you stopped loving me…” You reached down your shirt pulling out a chain, this chain had Loki’s ring on it.

Loki now looked at you devastated as he ripped your necklace off, he then took the ring off the chain and put it on his finger, “I still love you ___________, I’ll never stop loving you…” Loki managed to smile a bit.

You slowly leaned in and gently hugged Loki.

Loki gently pushed you away.

You looked down sadly as more tears managed to stream down your cheeks.

Loki gently lifted your chin, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, Loki leaned in more deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you even closer.

You looked at Loki surprised but smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around Loki’s neck kissing back, You both shared the most passionate kiss.

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