Loki X Reader: Bedtime Stories (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Bedtime Stories (One-Shot!)


Loki sat in the library peacefully reading a book, Thor entered the library knowing he would surely find his brother in here. Loki looked up from his book looking at his brother curiously, Thor smiled innocently at him.

"Loki, they're asking for you again" Thor spoke letting out a slight chuckle, he sat down next to his brother and gently nudged him.

"What's it they need this time?" Loki asked keeping his eyes on the words in his book.

"A bedtime story" Thor replied with a grin.

"Their parents are a mortal and a god, and they ask me for the stories".

"What can I say; they love their uncle Loki more than I." Thor laughed slightly and waited for his brother.

"Let's see what I can do" Loki stood up and followed after Thor to his nieces' and nephews' room, As soon as he walked in the children sat up quickly in their beds and smiled tremendously, "I've been told you wish to hear a story?" He walked in and sat down in the chair that was besides the window.

"Please Uncle, yours are full of adventure!" They both smiled happily.

"And mine aren't?!" Thor yelled playfully.

"It's just we've heard all yours father, If it's ok with Uncle, we'd love to hear more of his" One replied.

"What's going on?" Jane asked walking into her children's room.

"Uncle Loki was just about to tell us a bedtime story!" They begged.

"I was, was I?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Please Uncle, pleeease!" The children begged.

"Fine..." Loki answered defeated with a small smile on his face, "What is it you wish to hear?" Loki asked.

"Your fights on Earth!" He shouted.

"Love!" She shouted.

"How about we save the war stories for when you're older, ok?" Jane quickly stepped in giving a slightly worried smile.

"Mother!" They pouted.

"I don't want to repeat myself... " Jane said in a stern tone.

"Don't I get a say in this? Plus, I haven't a love story to tell." Loki said, trying to avoid the topic by all means.

"You know that's not true, brother" Thor's voice was stern, but playful at the same time.

"You've been in love, Loki?" Jane asked.

"Well we eventually find the one person who we care passionately about, even if it doesn't end with a happy ending" Loki's head had been hanging low when he finally decided to look up. When he did his family was all seated and at their full attention.

"It's great so far, continue" Jane said before giving her brother in law a smile. Loki drew in a breath and proceeded to tell the story of the first woman he had ever loved.

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