Loki X Suicidal!Reader: Broken (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Suicidal!Reader: Broken (One-Shot!)

Loki, The God of Mischief had been staying with you for about six months now. You were good friends with The Avengers and you had promised to keep an eye on him in case he got into any trouble.

You walked into your bedroom; you closed the door and sat on your bed taking a deep breath. You pulled out a bottle of pills from under your pillow.

Loki had just got back from shopping, he put the groceries down and saw a note sitting on the kitchen counter, he picked it up looking at it curiously.

Dear Loki,

Loki, I want you to know I love you very much and I care about you a lot. I hope that you will find a wonderful girl, fall in love, get married and have a beautiful family one day. This is hard to say but I've been depressed for a really long time, all I seem to do is hurt people, I hate hurting people so that's why I hurt myself. Besides I don't think anyone would care if I was gone anyways...

By the time you read this note I will probably already be gone, I just want to let you know that this wasn't your fault, it was mine.


Loki dropped the note and ran toward your room; he burst into your room and saw you sitting on the bed in tears. A bottle of sleeping pills in your hand, you stared at Loki mortified. Loki walked up to you and grabbed the bottle of pills from your hand.

"What in your god damn mind were you thinking! Taking your life!" Loki shouted angrily at you, "You're an idiot to think you deserve to die!" Loki shouted.

"I'm an idiot to think I deserve to live! All I do is hurt people Loki!" You screamed back.

Loki sat down in front of you and took your hands in his, he took a deep breath, "I didn't mean to shout at you like that, but you must believe when I say you very much deserve to live" Loki said sternly.

You pulled away from Loki, "I'm broken Loki..." You mumbled, "I don't want to be put through any more pain, I want to die..." You sighed sadly.

"Killing yourself is permanent" Loki looked at you worriedly.

"I don't care Loki, harming myself isn't doing enough... I want to end my pathetic life" You muttered softly wiping the tears that were streaming down your cheeks.

"Harming yourself? Where? I don't see any scars..." Loki looked at you concerned.

"You think I would harm myself where you could see them... Can't you just let me die...?" You pushed Loki hard.

"Was it something I did? It must have been..." Loki lovingly grasped your hand.

You quickly pulled away, "Get out!" You screamed angrily, "No one loves me... Nobody cares about me... No one would even notice if I died..." You muttered softly.

"Stop talking like that!" Loki begged cupping your cheeks, "If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here talking to you right now, you don't think I would notice you're gone! Are you kidding me! I'd die if you left me alone in this world" Loki looked deeply into your (E/C) eyes.

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to take my life..." You mumbled.

"No, I'm saying this because I love you..." Loki whispered to you.

"You don't love me the way I want you too..." You cried.

"What makes you think that?" Loki asked gently wiping the tears that were streaming down your cheeks, "What makes you think I don't love you like that? Tell me!" Loki demanded.

You flinched and pulled away from him.

"Tell me!" Loki shouted.

"Stop screaming at me!" You cried and began to sob more.

"No! Not until you tell me why!" Loki said sternly, "I love you more than you think you do, you mean the world to me (Y/N), do you know how much it hurts seeing you like this? It breaks my heart..." Loki looked at you sadly.

"If you love me so much why have you never shown that you love me? You are so heartless around me! You never ever show that you care about me!" You sobbed.

"Well now I am! I'm sorry that I've been acting so heartless and cold... I didn't think you loved me back..." Loki muttered softly.

"Why didn't you just ask me?" You sniffled.

"I was too afraid too..." Loki sighed.

"Why would you love me? Why? I'm broken... I'm messed up... All I do is hurt people, I don't deserve your love, I don't deserve anybody's" You mumbled.

"So many people love you (Y/N), why don't you realize that? I love you, Thor loves you, Tony loves you, Bruce loves you, Clint and Natasha care so, so much about you... Steve loves you too..." Loki lovingly grasped your hand.

"You're just saying tha...","Because I don't want you to take your life, no, I'm saying it because it's true and you need to realize the truth" Loki interrupted you.

All you did was stare at Loki.

"I love you (Y/N)" Loki said sternly and pulled you into a loving hug.

"Loki..." You mumbled just sitting there hesitant to hug him back; you slowly wrapped your arms around him.

Loki hugged you tightly, "Promise me you'll never hurt yourself again... Please" Loki begged gently pulling back.

You were speechless, "I... I... Loki..." You looked at him shocked.

Loki suddenly pinned you to the bed kissing you pressing his lips hard against yours, he lovingly grasped your hips pushing his body against yours.

"Loki..." You gasped pulling back for air.

"I love you; I will be here for you no matter what, okay... If you need to talk I will always be here" Loki said lovingly kissing your forehead.

You smiled slightly, "Thank you..." You muttered softly, "I love you..." You whispered to Loki, "I... I promise to stop hurting myself..." You had a bit of trouble saying.

Loki smiled and kissed your cheek.

You blushed and smiled, "I love you Loki Laufeyson..." You got up and kissed Loki's cheeks.

Loki got up and stopped you, "Are you still going to kill yourself?" Loki asked.

You shook your head, "Now I have something to live for..." You muttered softly.

"And what is that?" Loki asked gently grasping your hand.

"The ones I care about and you..." You smiled and kissed Loki deeply before gently pulling away and walking into the kitchen, "We should probably put these groceries away..." You muttered softly.

Loki nodded and came up behind you gently kissed your neck, "Yeah you're probably right..." Loki smiled softly and began helping you put away the groceries.

From that day on, Loki helped you get through your depression. He was always there for you no matter what; you both loved each other very much and couldn't be separated. The Avengers were always there for you too, you had realized you had such a wonderful family who cared about you and loved you.  

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