Pregnant!LokiXReader: Spell Gone Wrong (One-Shot!)

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You were almost 6 months pregnant, you were very tired, irritable, grumpy and didn’t want to talk to anyone but Loki, but sometimes you didn’t even want to talk to him. You were lying in Loki’s room in his bed, you snuggled up to the fur blankets the covered the bed. Loki peeked into the cold dark room and smiled noticing you had just awakened from your hourly nap.

“How are you feeling darling?” Loki asked quietly walking in, gently closing the door behind him, he slowly walked up to the bed and knelt down giving you a soft loving smile.

“The pain is horrible; the little brat won’t stop kicking!” You groaned.

“Well… I have a solution for that…” Loki muttered softly grasping your hand kissing it, “While you were having a beauty rest, I looked through my old Norse Mythology spell books and found a spell that will ease the pain of the baby kicking” Loki smiled softly.

“Really? Then why won’t you hurry up and do the stupid spell!” You growled.

“Okay… Okay…” Loki muttered softly, Loki began chanting quietly to himself.

“Hurry up Loki!” You shouted slapping him.

Loki messed up the spell but just continued chanting, you groaned in pain realizing your stomach was shrieking, you looked at Loki worried, “What are you doing?!” You looked at Loki worried.

Loki opened his eyes looking down realizing his stomach was huge, he gasped feeling something moving around in his stomach. Loki looked at you realizing you were no longer pregnant; you looked at Loki and burst out laughing loudly.

“You messed up the spell and now you’re pregnant!” You laughed hysterically, “You idiot! I can’t believe you’re pregnant!” You giggled.

“This isn’t funny!” Loki pouted looking down sadly, “You’re so mean to me! You control my entire life! Sometimes I don’t even think you love me!” Loki cried as tears began to cloud in his eyes.

“Emotional? Hormones out of whack?” You asked.

“Just a little” Loki sniffled.

“Awww, you poor thing, now you know how I feel carrying around a baby for almost 6 months now, 3 more months to go” You muttered softly.

“You mean I’m stuck like this” Loki pouted even more.

“Well I have to figure out how to fix this and it might take me a while so yeah…” You giggled a bit and kissed Loki’s cheek.

“I don’t want to be pregnant for 3 months!” Loki screamed like a small child.

You looked at Loki shocked.

Loki looked at you, “How do you do this?” Loki asked carefully sitting up holding his belly sitting on the bed.

“Do what?” You asked.

“How do you handle all these emotions, I feel like I want to cry, punch you in the face, scream, throw things, cry more… Then laugh a bit… Then cry… I’m also kind of tired but I’m more hungry then tired” Loki muttered softly, “My mind is everywhere! I can’t handle it!” Loki shouted.

“Hunny calm down…” You kissed Loki’s forehead, “Just take deep breathes in…. and out….” You practiced taking a deep breath in and exhaling out.

Loki copied you and eventually calmed down; Loki winced holding his belly, “Why won’t the little brat stop kicking?” Loki asked letting out a slight growl.

“I often sing to the small one…” You said.

“Sleep, baby, sleep,

You´re in the Aesir´s keep.

Old Mani sheds his softest beams,

Frigga sends you pleasant dreams,

Sleep, baby, sleep….”

You sang softly gently putting your hand to Loki’s stomach.

Loki smiled a bit, “Oh thank the gods… The small one stopped kicking… “Loki looked so relieved, “Now I can sleep…” Loki yawned.

“Get some rest and I’ll figure out how to fix this…” You let out a slight giggle.

“Could you sing the rest to me?” Loki asked pouting.

“Sleep, baby, sleep,

The clouds are grazing sheep.

The stars are twinkling in the sky,

Odin watches with his eye.

Sleep, baby, sleep…”

You sang beautifully.

Loki smiled happily and lay down snuggling up to a body pillow and the soft fur blankets, he yawned tiredly getting comfortable.

“Sleep, baby, sleep,

Sleep safely, well and deep.

The Gods are watching over you,

Mom and Dad are watching too.

Sleep, baby, sleep…”

Once you finished the song and realized Loki was already sleeping, you silently walked out of the room and to Thor’s chambers; you knocked on Thor’s door hoping he would respond. Thor opened the door; he was only in his boxers.

“Yes lady _________? Did I miss the birthing of your child? I thought you were only 6 months… How come you are no longer pregnant?” Thor asked.

“Loki preformed a spell on me to try and ease the pain of my pregnancy, he messed up the spell and now he’s pregnant with our baby” You let out a slight giggle, “Oh that never gets old…” You smiled.

“Loki’s pregnant?! I have to see this” Thor chuckled and quickly got dressed following you to Loki’s chambers.

“Hey… Hey… He’s really stressed out Thor, can you help me or not?” You asked looking at Thor worried, “I don’t want Loki to end up having to give birth to our baby, which would probably traumatize him” You muttered softly.

“You just have to say the spell properly… That’s it…” Thor said.

“What?! That’s it?” You looked at Thor shocked.

“Can I see Loki pregnant now?”  Thor asked.

“No, do not tell anyone about this Thor or I swear to Odin himself I will send you to the darkest place in the universe… Loki is my husband and you will humiliate him no more… He’s gone through enough…” You said sternly.

Thor nodded slowly, “Yes milady… I promise to leave my brother Loki alone…” Thor bowed and walked away and headed back to his chambers.

You walked back into yours and Loki’s room; you quietly closed the door behind him, “Loki dear?” You asked seeing Loki sitting by the balcony reading.

Loki looked over and saw you walk toward him, he put his book down.

“Sometimes you can be such an idiot…” You kissed Loki’s cheek, “You messed up the spell, all you have to do is say it correctly and it will fix everything…” You smiled a bit.

Loki quickly said the spell correctly.

Your stomach began to grow; your stomach was now big again.

Loki got up and walked over to you, “We don’t speak of this to anyone else okay? “ Loki said gently putting his hand to your stomach, “I definitely prefer you being pregnant…” Loki chuckled kissing you passionately.

“I agree” You smiled and kissed back, “I love you my goofy idiot…” You giggled and hugged Loki gently resting your head on Loki’s chest. “It’s what I do best” Loki chuckled, “I love you too” Loki smiled, “You know we haven’t come up with a name yet…” Loki said. “Well we don’t know if it’s going to be a girl or a boy…” You looked at Loki curiously thinking to yourself.

So, what will you name your child?

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