Loki X Reader: Anger Issues (One-Shot!)

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You screamed angrily slashing and hacking at trees with your long sword, you panted heavily before driving your sword into the ground. Your eyes faded to an amber yellow, your balled fists burst into flames, the image of your late husband's face flashed in your head as your body gave off waves of fire causing nearby trees to catch ablaze. 

You growled angrily hearing footsteps nearby, you whipped around and saw a tall, handsome man with glacial blue eyes that pierced yours.

The flames surrounding your body extinguished, "What do you want Thor?" You asked, "If you've come to plead for your brother, don't bother" You snarled. 

"I came to check on you? What has he done this time?" He asked.

"I found him with that wench again" You growled angrily. 

"So, is that why everything's on fire?" Thor asked, he couldn't help but grin. 

"You think that this is funny? That my husband is nothing but a cheating fool!" You growled, through clenched teeth. 

"Not in the slightest" Thor grinned. 

"How dare he do such a thing!" You screamed, kicking a log aside, "Did you know of his doings?" You growled, glaring at Thor. 

Thor quickly backed away shaking his head, looking at you afraid. 

"You knew, didn't you?!" You growled angrily, about to swing your sword at him but stopped hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around and put your sword to Loki's neck. 

"I told you it was not a wise idea to come here brother..." Thor sighed. 

"How dare you stand before me! How dare you make love to another woman even though you are married to another!" You screamed. 

"You told me you would have this sorted out by the time I arrived... Brother..." Loki snarled. 

"So, you did know!" You growled, turning your head to look at Thor, "Was it your idea?!" You asked, glaring angrily at Thor. 

"Or were you just getting bored of me?" You asked, turning to look at Loki. 

"Never in my life would I get bored of you, my love" Loki said sternly. 

"Then why did you sleep with her?!" You screamed, shoving him against a tree, putting the tip of your sword against his neck. 

"I love you more than anything in this universe" He muttered softly. 

"Enough of your lies!" You shouted, lowering your sword before backhanding him as hard as you could, you balled your fist about to punch him when Thor grabbed your wrist. 

"He already feels horrible, leave him be" Thor said sternly. 

"Leave me alone? He's nothing but deceiving, manipulative fool! Who deserves to be punished!" You screamed, swinging your knee up, hitting Thor in the groin. 

Thor fell to his knees, moaning in agony. 

You turned to look at Loki but he was gone, "Come out you coward!" You shouted. 

Thor slowly stood and leaned against a tree trying his best not to vomit. 

"At least tell me why you did it!" You screamed, driving your sword into the ground beneath your feet, "What did I do wrong...?" You muttered softly. 

"You did absolutely nothing, it was all my fault..." Loki said, for a distance away. 

You looked around not seeing Loki anywhere in sight, you grabbed Thor and pulled him toward you, pulling him into a kiss. 

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