Loki X Reader: Let Me Go To Her (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Let Me Go To Her (One-Shot!)

Loki agreed to help his brother Thor defeat Maleketh. Loki however was not amused; his brother had put him in cuffs. Thor and Loki were about to leave with Jane when Loki saw you, his true love looking around the destroyed kingdom horrified.

Loki tried to walk toward you but Thor grabbed him, "You're not bailing out on us now" Thor growled angrily, Loki looked at his brother sadly than looked at you.

"Who is that?" Thor asked looking at Loki curiously.

"Her name is (Y/N), we're in love...." Loki muttered softly, "Let me go to her" Loki begged, "Please, this might be the last time I get to see her" Loki said.

Thor hesitated and looked at Jane.

"Like anyone would be in love with Loki" Jane mumbled, she hated Loki with a passion, she would never forgive him for what he had done.

"Please Thor" Loki begged.

Thor let go of Loki's arm and gently pushed him forward.

Loki ran up to you.

You turned around and saw Loki and hugged him tightly, "Loki!" You kissed Loki deeply, "What's going on?" You asked.

Loki lovingly grasped your hands; "Everything will be okay my love" Loki whispered to you and kissed your forehead before slowly pulling away.

"Where are you going?" You ran up to Loki and stopped him grabbing his hand.

"I'm going to stop all of this" Loki said sternly.

"What? Loki? You can't do that on your own, please tell me what's going on!" You begged as tears clouded in your eyes, "What if you get hurt?" You asked looking at him worried.

"It's a long story, I promise to tell you all about it when I get back" Loki smiled softly and kissed your cheek.

"Loki..." You grabbed him and kissed him passionately, "I love you" You said sternly, "If come home stabbed or something, I swear to god I'll slap you" You smiled.

Loki chuckled, "I promise I'll come home safe and sound" Loki grinned.

"You better, or I'll beat your brother for not bringing you home safe" You giggled.

"That's the woman I love!" Loki laughed and kissed your forehead; "Stay safe darling, I'll be back soon" Loki smiled softly and walked back over to Thor.

"You love her a lot don't you?" Thor looked at Loki shocked, Jane was just as shocked.

"Yes, now can we go now, I hate seeing her cry..." Loki muttered softly.

"You actually know how to love someone?" Jane asked.

Loki let out a slight growl and glared at Jane.

Jane slapped Loki hard, "That's for New York!" Jane growled angrily, "You monster!" Jane shouted.

You stormed up to Jane and slapped her, "Don't you touch him!" You snarled.

Loki laughed and leaned on Thor, "See, this is why I'm madly in love with her, she's just like me" Loki laughed hysterically.

Jane looked at you shocked.

"If I ever catch you touch him again, I'll slice you into tiny pieces and feed you to Fenrir" You threatened.

Loki smiled as Thor shoved him away; Loki rolled his eyes at his brother but smiled softly as you walked away. You were worried about Loki, but you were confident he would come back; he never ever broke a promise when he made one.

Thor had come back and successfully defeated Maleketh, he walked up to the All-Father and knelt down before him. You stood behind a pillar watching closely, Thor sighed sadly and looked down, you looked at Thor concerned.

"Loki died with honour, I refuse the throne and wish to go back to Midgard and live my life with Jane" Thor said.

You looked at Thor shocked; tears clouded your eyes, "No..." You whispered.

The All-Father nodded and watched Thor walk off and thank him, The All-Father shifted into Loki, "No, Thank You" He grinned sitting on the throne.

You leaned against the pillar and slid to the floor, tears rolled down your cheeks as you began to sob heavily.

Loki stood and looked around, "I demand for you to come out this instant" He growled slightly.

You gasped and looked up; you slowly stood and walked out from behind the pillar, "Loki? Is that you?" You asked quickly wiping your tears.

"Of course it's me" Loki smiled.

"Thor said you were dead!" You cried and ran up to Loki hugging him tightly; you cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply.

"How foolish of you to think that I would leave you, especially like that" Loki kissed your forehead, "I am the god of lies remember?" He chuckled, "Now come, you shall be my Queen" Loki grinned.

You blushed as Loki pulled you toward the throne, he sat down and let you sit down on his lap, "Kiss me my Queen" He demanded as you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him passionately.

© Fan-Fic written by Mind-Wolf

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