Loki X Reader: King of Asgard (One-Shot)

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You walked up to Odin looking at him worried, the war between the dark elves and the nine realms was over, you were heartbroken about Loki's death, but Thor just kept telling you he died in honor, he died bravely and he will be remembered.

You walked up to Odin in tears, "All-Father, when will Loki have his burial?" You asked looking at Odin sighing sadly.

"He will not have a burial like Frigga" Odin replied.

"Why not?! He was just as important as Frigga! Even more to me!" You shouted.

"Loki was a prisoner, his very brother let him escape, you accompanied him, Loki may have died in honor, but he will not have a burial like Frigga" Odin said sternly.

"You are a fool! Loki was right about you! Your nothing but a joke! You sitting on the throne of Asgard disgusts me!" You shouted.

Two Asgardian guards grabbed you holding you back.

"Loki's birthright was not to be King! His birthright was to die!" Odin said, "It was my fault I brought him here, if I did not, he wouldn't of been here to hate me, and he is not anymore, he is gone __________" Odin said.

"He deserved to sit on the throne, not an old oaf that sits on the throne doing absolutely nothing!" You shouted.

"Loki is no King!" Odin stepped down and looked at you.

"Yes he is! He deserves more than you!" You shouted.

"Let her go" Odin said looking at the guards, "Leave us be" Odin said sternly.

The guards let go of you and walked away.

You turned away wiping the tears that streamed down your cheeks, "You raised him as your son, you should have at least loved him like one and not favorited Thor, Loki was heartbroken when he finally knew why you loved Thor more than him" You turned around.

You gasped seeing Loki standing feet away from you.

"Odin! You sick bastard!" You shouted thinking Odin shifted into Loki to make fun of you, but you realized only Loki could do that kind of thing.

Loki slowly walked up to you and smiled.

"L-Loki.... is that really you?" You asked more tears streaming down your cheeks.

Loki nodded and gently wiped your tears.

"Your not dead..." You lovingly grasped Loki's hand.

"You really think I could die that easily, I am Loki, King of Asgard, I do not die that easily" Loki chuckled about to kiss you.

You slapped Loki, "That was for not telling me sooner" You growled but wrapped your arms around Loki's neck kissing him passionately, "That was because I missed you and I love you dearly" You smirked.

"Perhaps I should die more often" Loki chuckled kissing back.

"Now my King, I am deeply sorry for yelling at you like that, I think I personally deserve to be punished..." You muttered softly smiling cutely at Loki.

Loki smiled and pulled you toward his room, "Punish you, I shall" Loki smirked, "You have been a very naughty girl" Loki smirked closing the door closing his bedroom door, Loki pinned you to the bed kissing you passionately.

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