Iron Loki X Reader (One-Shot)

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You were on your way home from work, you were exhausted and needed to rest but unfortunately you had to come up with some new idea on new weapons for your company.

You walked up to your door and walked into your penthouse; you closed the door behind you and locked it.

“Why don’t you just show them the new suit you made…?” You muttered to yourself.

You sighed and slowly walked down to your basement, “No… they’ll probably think you’re crazy…” You sighed and walked into your work shop, you walked in seeing your glass case that had your newest suit in was smashed.

“Dammit! Really! That was my newest suit and it was for S.H.I.E.L.D.” You through your purse down in anger.

You suddenly heard glass shatter from behind you, you turned around seeing your green and gold suit standing feet away from you.

“My suit works?” You smiled.

But than your suit put its hand up, it was about to shoot at you with its beam but it stopped and put its hand down and walked up to you.

The helmet off your suit opened.

You gasped, “What are you doing in my suit?” You asked.

Loki smiled innocently.

“Loki you scared me…” You sighed, “And besides, take that thing off you’re not supposed to be wearing it…” You walked up to Loki.

“I’m not taking it off… I feel stronger in this… I feel more powerful in this…” Loki smirked.

“Loki take it off” You demanded.

Loki put his hand up and beamed you.

You flew back into the wall and ended up coughing up blood, “L-Loki…” You muttered trying your best to get up, “I’m your girlfriend… please take the suit off, the Tesseract energy is messing with your mind…” You used the table to get up.

Loki shook his head and grabbed you by your neck.

You winced and grabbed a butter knife from the table and stabbed into the heart of the suit.

Loki dropped you and fell backward, “You idiot! You ruined the suit! Now all my power is gone!” Loki shouted angrily.

“Loki… it’s power could have taken over you...” You muttered getting up off the floor.

Loki growled walking toward you.

You quickly grabbed a large sledge hammer and turned to Loki, “Please don’t make me do this…” You begged.

“Come here you little brat!” Loki growled angrily.

You hit Loki in the head with the sledge hammer knocking him out cold; you sighed sadly and began prying off the pieces of suit of Loki’s body.

When you were finished, your hands were bleeding and all cut up, Loki was about to wake up as you quickly dragged Loki over to a table and cuffed him to it.

Loki suddenly awoke; he groaned and put his hands to his head realizing that the side of his head was bleeding a bit.

You couldn’t pick up the sledge hammer again because your hands were too cut up.

Loki looked up at you, “Darling? Why are you bleeding? What happened? Are you okay?” Loki asked worryingly.

“Are you still angry at me?” You asked.

“Why would I be angry at you darling?” Loki asked and soon realized he was cuffed to the table.

You growled at Loki, “Don’t play all sweet with me!” You shouted.

“Darling… why am I cuffed to the table?” He asked.

“Are you my Loki or not?!” You cried.

“Yes I’m your Loki darling…. Please come down and let me go” Loki begged.

You slowly walked toward Loki and uncuffed him; tears slowly streamed down your cheeks, as soon as you uncuffed Loki, you stood and took a step back.

Loki slowly got up and walked toward you, he slowly caressed his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

“Come on… let’s get you cleaned up…” Loki whispered to you and carefully picked you up carrying you upstairs and into the kitchen.

You sat on the counter sighing sadly.

Loki carefully cleaned your hands and bandaged them up; after he cleaned you up he kissed you passionately.

You slowly pushed him away.

“What’s wrong darling?” He asked, Loki’s face had started to go blue a bit.

“Nothing…” You muttered softly pulling Loki toward you kissing him passionately.

Loki smiled and kissed back.

While you and Loki kissed, you wondered if he really did want to kill you that night.

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