Loki X Reader: Bath Time (One-Shot!)

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You were one of the King's maids, Loki, The God of Mischief had stolen Asgard from Odin and tricked Thor. You stood in the Kings chambers and saw him walk in, you bowed and led him into the bathroom.

Loki stood on a stool and put his arms up, "Undress me" He said simply looking over to you.

You slowly walked up to Loki and began undressing him, you bowed when you finished.

"Is the water hot like I asked?" Loki asked.

You nodded slowly, "Yes my King..." You muttered softly.

Loki smirked and got down off the stool, he got into the bath and lay down exhaling, Loki let his hair hang off the edge of the clawed tub, "Brush my hair..." Loki said taking a deep breathe then exhaling.

You quickly nodded and picked up Loki's hair brush, you walked over to him and knelt down beginning to brush his silky soft hair.

After a few minutes of brushing his hair, he stopped you.

Loki leaned back and dipped his hair into the water getting it all wet, Loki sat up and looked at you, "Get my mixture of rare essential oils" Loki said, "But first... Wash my hair..." Loki muttered.

You nodded and put some shampoo in your hands beginning to gently wash Loki's hair.

"Hmmm... Good..." Loki muttered softly.

You stopped and let Loki rinse off his hair in the water.

"Now... Condition me..." Loki said.

"Yes my King..." You muttered softly and poured the oils in your hand rubbing them in between your palms, you gently messaged Loki's hair with your palms and ran it through Loki's hair with your fingers.

"Ahhh... That's it..." Loki grinned feeling relaxed.

You washed your hands in the sink nearby, you dried your hands and turned around realizing Loki was staring at you, you couldn't help but blush and quickly look down.

"Take your clothes off..." Loki muttered softly looking at you up and down.

You slowly took off your apron and your dress leaving only in your bra and panties, your face was now completely red.

"The rest..." Loki smirked.

You looked at Loki hesitatingly, you took off your panties and then your bra.

Loki got out of the bath tub and gently tried off his wet hair, he walked up to you and looked at your naked body up and down, "I must say... You are quite beautiful..." Loki whispered in your ear, his voice sent chills down your spine.

You blushed and looked up at Loki, "Why thank you my king..." You muttered softly.

Loki gently moved a few strands of your hair out of your face, "Perhaps I shall make you my queen..." Loki smirked, "Would you like that?" Loki asked.

You were silent and looked down, your face completely red.

Loki gently lifted your chin, "Your beauty will not go unnoticed my darling, you shall be my queen, you can rule all the nine realms with me..." Loki grinned.

You gasped trying to avoid eye contact with Loki.

"I want to make sweet love to you..." Loki whispered in your ear.

You looked at Loki shocked, you knew Loki was fond of sexually torturing women, you were scared of Loki hurting you and quickly shook your head grabbing your clothes.

Loki grabbed your arm and pinned you against the wall, "I won't hurt you..." Loki said sternly, "I would never hurt my precious queen..." Loki said softly.

"Why not? You have sexually tortured all the other women in this kingdom..." You let out a slight growl.

"But you are different, you are my queen... I love you more then all those other women, they are worthless to me, but you are not... You are my one true love... I would do anything for you" Loki grinned.

"You don't even know me..." You said pushing Loki away, "You can not love someone if you don't know anything about them!" You said about to walk out.

Loki grabbed you, "You are my queen whether you like it or not!" Loki growled and kissed you before walking out of the bathroom to get dressed.

You stood there and grinned, you always wanted to be Loki's queen, you knew everything about him and you loved him, you smiled and blushed still in a daze from when he had kissed you. Your dream had finally come true, you were now Loki's true love, his queen that he would cherish for all eternity.

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