Loki X Reader: I Love You! (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: I Love You! (One-Shot!)


You and Loki were practicing your fighting skills in the hallways of the great kingdom, Loki plunged his sword toward you, you quickly blocked it laughing a bit. You flipped backward clearing trying to show off, Loki did three back flips and landed firmly on the ground smirking.

“I’m so going to beat you!” Loki smirked before lunging at you with his sword, he missed and summer salted back, he stood up grinning.

“Yeah right!” You said side kicking Loki in the face.

Loki dodged and swung his sword at you letting out an exhausted groan.

You easily dodged, “I can’t wait to see you on the ground begging for me not to kill you” You teased grinning at Loki, “Well come on… Come get me princess” You laughed.

Loki lunged at you in the blink of an eye.

You gasped expecting a sword to go through your stomach.

Loki chuckled, he had pulled the whole ‘fake stab’ trick, Loki smiled at you laughing, “When will you ever not fall for that?” Loki asked.

“Oh shut up…” You rolled your eyes.

“When will you ever not lose when it comes to us practicing?” Loki smirked nudging you, “Do you always lose when fighting others?” Loki asked.

You were silent, Loki’s words was beginning to hurt.

Loki had been acting like a jerk but you just tried your best to ignore it.

“So, I guess I won the bet, which means you owe me a drink wench” Loki laughed.

“Shut up…” You let out a slight growl and followed Loki into a tavern that was in the kingdom’s village, “Two ale’s please” You asked the waitress.

“Actually, get the pretty girl a glass of milk, she can’t handle her liquor well” Loki said.

“Certainly prince Loki” The waitress said bowing before walking away.

“You can’t hold your liquor either!” You shouted, “Why have you been such a jerk lately?” You asked looking at Loki sadly.

“I’m not acting like a jerk” Loki said.

“Yes you are and you have been for a while, it’s getting old Loki, that’s enough, I’m sick and tired of the insults” You tried your best not to raise your voice.

“Are you done talking?” Loki asked, “Your voice is so annoying…” Loki said.

You looked at Loki hurt and just decided to remain silent.

The waitress walked over to the table you were sitting at with Loki and put down a mug of ale and a cup of milk.

“May I please have some ale please?” You looked at the waitress.

“No you cannot” Loki said taking a sip of his ale.

“That’s it! I’m done! I love you Loki but you’re just a jerk!” You through your glass of milk at Loki and stormed out of the tavern and toward your chambers.

Loki looked at everyone around him and got up licking the milk from his lips, Loki got up picking up a napkin wiping the rest of the milk of his face and clothes; he then followed you back into the kingdom.

You were in your room backing your bags, you were fed up with Loki’s attitude and was going to leave Asgard and never return, you turned around about to walk out of your room when you saw Loki standing in the doorway.

You walked up to Loki and slapped him, “I’m leaving and never coming back!” You cried putting your bag over your shoulder.

“Wait… Let me explain…” Loki begged.

You slapped Loki again pushing past him.

Loki grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the door, Loki turned around and locked the door, “Let me explain… _________, I can’t let you leave” Loki said.

“Why not? What are you going to do hmp?” You asked.

“You would never believe me…” Loki looked down sadly, “Were you telling the truth about what you said in the tavern? Did you really mean it?” Loki asked.

“Of course I did! You’re a jerk!  A monster! I can’t believe I ever fell in love with you!” You shouted.

Tears clouded in Loki’s eyes, “I meant about loving me…” Loki muttered softly.

“I don’t think I even love you anymore Loki…” You muttered softly, “Look, I’m leaving okay and you can’t stop me” You sighed sadly.

“You complete me!” Loki blurted.

“Now you’re making fun of my feelings by lying to me” You slapped Loki again.

“I love you… You complete me _________, it’s not a joke!” Loki said sternly.

You looked at Loki heartbroken, “Stop lying to my face! You’ve already broken my heart already, don’t go breaking it more” You begged.

“I’m not lying to you! You complete me!” Loki shouted as tears streamed down his cheeks.

You pushed Loki away, “Stop it!” You cried as tears streamed down your cheeks.

Loki grabbed you pulling you close kissing you hard.

You kneed Loki in the crouch as hard as you could; you pushed Loki away and punched him hard.

Loki held his crouch groaning in pain, “I’m not lying to you… I’m so sorry I acted like a jerk… _______” Loki watched you walk out of the room, “I love you! Please don’t leave me like this!” Loki screamed.

You turned around seeing Loki on the floor in tears.

“What will make you believe me? I kissed you, do I have to poor my heart out to you, tell you every detail on why I love you?” Loki asked managing to pull himself off the floor.

You looked at Loki for a moment, you dropped your bag, “Was all of that the truth, about you loving me?” You asked, “Be honest” You begged.

“I would never lie to you ________, I can’t live without you… Like I said… You complete me” Loki gave you a soft smile.

You ran up to Loki hugging him tightly, you kissed him passionately.

Loki fell backward onto the bed looking at you shocked.

You were now sitting on top of Loki; you smiled brightly and kissed Loki passionately.

Loki looked up at you and smiled, “You’re so beautiful when you smile” Loki said, “I’m so sorry for being such a jerk… I-I just didn’t know how to act around you… I was afraid you wouldn’t love me back… You have no idea how sorry I am _________” Loki lovingly grasped your hand.

“I forgive you…” You leaned down and kissed Loki, “I understand…” You muttered softly.

“You don’t know how much I love you _________, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you mean everything to me…” Loki said looking deeply into your eyes.

“What?” You looked at Loki shocked, “Are you asking me to marry you?” You asked.

“Yeah… I guess so” Loki smiled, “I actually bought a ring, it’s gold and it has a green gem on it…” Loki pulled out a small ring box from his pocket and opened it, “Will you marry me _________?” Loki asked. You looked at Loki utterly shocked, you smiled happily.

Will you marry Loki? Or turn him down?

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