Loki X Reader: Womanly Pains (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Womanly Pains (One-Shot)

It had been that time of the month, the time of the month where you had your retched curse for a week or so. You hated this week out of the whole month, you were grumpy, irritable, and in pain, none of your friends dared to visit you during this horrible week of the month. They know you hated company during that time and you also had warned them many times that if they were going to come over, they would get a brief bitching at.

You were lazily lying on the couch dressed in sweatpants and baggy sweater, you were watching TV trying to distract from the horrible cramps you had. It was helping at all, you groaned and pulled yourself off the couch and walked over to the fridge.

You opened the freezer pulling out a magic bag, "If this doesn't make the pain go away I don't know what will, I've done this a good ten times!" You moaned lifting your sweater placing the magic bag on your lower stomach.

You hobbled over to the couch bent down, bending down while you walked help ease the pain just a tad; you sat on the couch and put your head in between your legs letting out another groan of annoyance.

Then, you heard a knock on the door, Who, the hell is at my door? You asked yourself having a not impressed look on your face, you pulled yourself from the couch once more and walked to the front door.

You looked through the peep hole of your door and saw a tall man with long black hair that fell to his shoulders, bright emerald green eyes and a very fine cheekbones, "Loki?" You opened the door and stared at him, "What are you doing here?" You asked.

“I’ve come to visit you, I brought chocolate” Loki smiled at you, “Thor told me that you were in pain so I thought I would come and comfort you, take care of you if you wish” Loki said.

You grabbed the box of chocolates from Loki, “Come in” You mumbled opening the box of chocolates scarfing them down, that was probably the thing that you craved most on your period, chocolate.

Loki walked in and closed the door locking it, “So? How are you feeling today?” Loki asked.

“I’m bleeding out of my Vagina! How do you think I feel?” You mumbled your mouth full of chocolates.

“Well um… uh… Would you like anything…?” Loki asked walking up to you gently wiping some chocolate that had been smeared on the corner of your mouth from you constantly stuffing as many chocolates as you could into your mouth, “Are you planning to store those chocolates for winter?” He asked letting out a slight chuckle.

You growled and turned around walking over to the couch, you plumped down on the couch wiping your mouth with the sleeve of your sweater, “I would like you to leave…” You growled a bit.

Loki was silent a moment, “How about some Advil instead? Tony told me he takes that for his Hangovers” Loki said looking through the cupboards.

“I already took Advil, it’s not working…” You mumbled lying on the couch slumping over the arm of your couch, “Please leave…” You huffed.

“Come on, I’m sure I could cheer you up” Loki smiled and walked over to you kneeling down in front of you.

“Not in the mood Loki” You growled and face planted into your pillow.

“Come on… Let’s turn that frown upside down!” Loki grinned hoping his charming smile would cheer you up.

You groaned and stood grabbing your pillow holding it tightly against your body, you walked upstairs and into your bedroom, you sat down on the edge of your bed wincing a bit, your cramps were starting to get really bad now.

Loki walked upstairs and into your bedroom, “You forgot your cold pillow?” Loki looked at your magic bag strangely.

“It’s called a magic bag doofus and it doesn’t do a damn thing… If only I had a full body magic bag” You groaned and lay down on your bed curling up in a ball, “Now go away!” You mumbled into your bed sheets.

Loki’s skin turned an icy blue and his eyes turned blood red, Loki walked over to the bed and laid down next you, he pulled you close.

You gasped, Loki was freezing cold but it definitely made the hot flashes go away.

“Better?” He asked.

“A bit...” You muttered softly, you took off your sweatpants and lifted your baggy sweater; you pressed your boy against Loki’s, “Ahhh, much better” You whispered as Loki smiled wrapping his arms around your head kissing your forehead.

“I told you I could make you feel better” Loki whispered to you, Loki put his hand on your lower stomach.

You gasped as your cramps seemed to be gone now, you exhaled feeling relieved, you hugged Loki tightly snuggling up to him.

“Would you like me to leave still darling?” Loki asked.

“No… Stay…” You whispered to him gently playing with his long black hair, his hair was so soft.

“Okay…” Loki whispered to you kissing your forehead.

You smiled happily, you felt as though your grumpiness had been cured, Loki’s very presence filled you with joy; you suddenly climbed on top of Loki and kissed him on the lips.

Loki looked at you shocked as he quickly pushed you off of him and got up backing away.

“What’s wrong?” You asked looking at Loki worried.

“A girl has never kissed me before…” Loki muttered blushing.

You giggled a bit, “I’m sorry, was the kiss that bad? I knew I was a bad kisser…” You face planted into the pillow.

“No… You’re not a bad kisser; it was actually quite enjoyable…” Loki chuckled and walked over to you sitting on the bed.

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better” You mumbled.

“You’re so cute…” Loki smiled pulling you into his arms.

“Am not…” You mumbled burying your head into Loki’s chest, “Was I really that bad?” You asked looking up at Loki, “I’m sorry, my hormones are all blah!” You grumbled.

“You weren’t bad” Loki chuckled lifting your chin kissing your cheek.

“Do you like me?” You asked.

“What?” Loki asked.

“What?” You asked like nothing happened.

“You asked if I liked you” Loki said.

“No I didn’t…” You muttered.

“Yes you did…” Loki said.

“No I didn’t…” You quickly looked down smiling innocently.

“Yes you did, well I like you back” Loki smiled.

“What?” You looked at Loki rather shocked.

“What?” Loki asked.

“Loki!” You gently punched his shoulder; you looked at Loki and blushed, “Are you just saying that?” You asked.

“Saying what?” Loki asked, “No! I really do like you” Loki smiled.

“Just as a friend though right?” You sighed.

“No… More than a friend…” Loki lifted your chin and kissed you passionately, “Let me rephrase that, I love you darling…” Loki grinned.

You blushed and smiled, “I love you too Loki…” You snuggled up to Loki enjoying his cold embrace; he made you feel so much better. Loki lay down with you pulling you close, he lovingly stroked your hair as you both just lay there cuddling until you both fell sound asleep.

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