Jotun!Loki X Reader: Man in the forest (One-Shot!)

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It was Winter in Asgard. You were roaming the forest that was covered in a blanket of snow, you wore a warm fur cloak that kept you toasty warm, you loved Winter, it was your favorite season after all. You especially loved taking walks and sitting by a tree and just reading for hours on end.

You gasped seeing a Frost Giant sitting against a tree peacefully reading, but he wasn't a giant, he just looked like a regular man who happened to be a Jotun.

You took a deep breath and continued walking, you happened to walk past the Jotun man.

He did not look up at you, nor did he move a muscle, he just sat there and quietly read his book.

You turned around and stood there staring at the Jotun man wondering why a Jotun would be in Asgard.

"Yes? What would you like?" The man asked not removing his eyes from his book; he turned the page and read a few sentences before looking up at you with his blood red eyes.

You were utterly speechless at the moment.

"If you have nothing to say, may I resume to my book?" He asked letting out a sigh.

You took a deep breath, "I deeply apologize from disturbing you from your book, but... Who are you? Why is a Jotun in Asgardian territory?" You asked.

He stared at you and let out a sigh, "I am Loki of Asgard but I was born in Jotunheim" He closed his book.

"Loki as in the prince of Asgard? You cannot be? Odin would never have a filthy Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard" You said sternly.

He stood and pinned you against a tree holding a dagger to your neck, "You know nothing about Frost Giants!" Loki growled angrily.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" You cowered.

"Not so tough now are you?" Loki growled and grabbed you by your hair dragging you through the snowy forest and into a cave.

"What are you going to do to me?" You asked looking at him frightened.

"You're the only one other than the All-Father that knows I'm a Frost Giant, no one else can know my secret" Loki said sternly and brought you deep into the cave.

You looked around and saw small fur bed, a burning fire and a bucket of water.

Loki dragged you over to a cave wall and put you in shackles, "You do not leave and if you do, I will kill you" Loki threatened.

"I promise I won't tell anyone... Please, let me go..." You begged. "It is your fault you were roaming the forests on this day, you will remain here" Loki said sternly before walking out of the cave.

Later that night

Loki arrived back at the cave with a dead rabbit, he began cooking it and made a stew, he poured the stew into two wooden bowls. He walked up to you and saw you open your eyes and look at him; you smacked the bowl out of his hand.

"I'm trying to be nice" Loki growled angrily at you, "You need to eat, or would you rather starve?" He asked.

"I'm sorry... You startled me..." You muttered softly looking down sadly.

"Do I frighten you?" Loki asked.

"No, not at all, you just startled me that's all... I apologize for hitting you..." You sighed.

Loki brought over his bowl of stew and helped feed you; once you were finished he carried the two bowls over to the burning fire and set them down. You watched Loki lay down on his fur bed; you sighed and shivered trying your best to fall sound asleep.

You woke up in the middle of the night screaming, you look absolutely horrified. Loki awoke and hissed flashing his fangs, he saw you with the look of terror on your face, he rushed toward you and cupped your cheeks looking at you worried.

"What's the matter?" Loki asked removing the shackles from your ankles and wrists.

You hugged him tightly and sobbed into his chest, "I saw my mother... My mother..." You cried and clung to the Jotun man afraid.

"What's so bad about seeing your mother?" Loki asked.

"She was murdered in front of me when I was a little girl..." You looked deeply into his blood red eyes, "A man who was burdened with madness burst into our home in the middle of the night and killed my mother and father..." You sniffled.

"Oh... How long have you been having these nightmares?" Loki asked holding you close.

"Ever since my parents died..." You sighed sadly.

"What is your name?" Loki asked gently wiping your tears that streamed down your cheeks.

"(Y/N)" You replied, your cheeks turned a slight tinge of pink, "I was wrong I'll admit that..." You muttered softly.

"Wrong about what?" Loki asked.

"Frost Giants..." You hugged him tightly, "They are gentle and kind... I'm sorry I thought such retched things about you Loki..." You yawned tiredly and slowly pulled away.

"I forgive you..." Loki looked at you curiously, "You look cold..." Loki scooped you up and carried you over to his fur bed and gently lay you down.

You looked up at Loki who picked up a fur blanket; he knelt down in front of you and wrapped it around you.

"You can leave in the morning if you wish, just please do not tell anyone of my secret..." Loki begged and lay down next to you.

"What if I don't want to leave?" You asked snuggling up to him.

"Why would you want to stay here?" Loki asked, "I live in a cave and I hunt animals to eat and if I don't I starve, if I go back to the kingdom they'll kill me..." Loki sighed.

"Well I'm staying because you're here..." You kissed Loki's cheek.

Loki looked at you shocked but smiled softly.

"Why would they kill you? You're missing..." You looked at him confused.

"I'm a wanted man because I'm a Frost Giant..." Loki sighed sadly.

"That's a shame; no one should have to hide because of who they are... How about I go back in the morning and I'll bring you some proper food, I promise I'll visit often" You smiled. "I'd love that..." Loki smiled pulling you close.

From that day on, you came and visited Loki every day. Sometimes you would stay the night, sometimes you wouldn't. You and Loki got to know each other very well and became best friends even thought it was forbidden to see each other.

The End

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