Loki X Reader: Banished (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Banished (One-Shot!)

It was almost midnight, you were driving home from a late night shift at the diner when you turned the corner and began driving down the bridge. You were tired and rather aggravated that your boss had made you stay so late.

You were about to turn on your wind shield wipers when you quickly stopped your car, seeing a man standing on the edge of the bridge, looking down at the water below, you opened your car door and stood, slowly walking toward him.

"Excuse me? What are you doing up there?" You asked.

"Get away from me, petty mortal..." He mumbled.

"What's your name?" You called.

"I said, go away" He growled, turning his gaze to you.

His emerald green eyes pierced your soul, his raven black hair soaking wet and askew, he slicked back his hair and returned his gaze to the water below, watching as the rain hit the surface of the waves.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)... Do you need a ride home?" You asked, but sighed knowing that was a dumb question to ask a man ready to jump off a bridge.

"Just leave me be..." He muttered.

"I know it seems tempting but death doesn't solve your problems, believe me..." You stated.

"You don't know what I've been through..." He sighed.

"I may not know what you've been through, but I can help as best I can... Come down and I'll drive you home... You'll catch cold out here..." You said, offering him your hand.

"I have no home anymore..." He mumbled.

"Then you can stay at my place until you get back up on your feet..." You offered.

"Why would you do such a thing? You don't even know me..." He muttered, turning his gaze back to you.

"I was in your place a very long time ago, but believe me, death doesn't solve anything... Things eventually do get better... But it takes time..." You said, giving him a soft smile before grabbing his hand.

You pulled him down from the edge, he fell into your arms but you took hold of him, hugging him tightly.

You helped him into your car before getting inside, you quickly took off his jacket and grabbed a blanket from your back seat wrapping it around him.

"How did you even get all the way out here?" You asked.

"I came from a very far away place..." He mumbled, under his breath.

"Let me guess, England? At least that's what your accent sounds like..." You muttered, giving him a reassuring smile.

You were about to start to put your on the gas pedal when he grabbed your hand.

"Why are you helping me? I'm nothing but a stranger... Banished from his world..." He sighed.

"Banished from your world?" You mumbled.

I really hope I didn't pick up a psychotic murdering serial killer, you thought to yourself.

"Where are you from?" You asked, putting on your seat belt before taking off.

"I told you... A place very far away from here..." He let out a slight growl, "Mortals are idiotic scoundrels" He muttered, under his breath.

"I meant the name of the place? I'm from (Y/C)... I'm (Y/N), I work at a dirty old-fashioned diner... My boss is a stuck-up bastard who overworks me all the time..." You said, trying to make conversation but it didn't seem to be going very well.

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