Loki X Reader X Bruce: Misunderstanding (O-S!)

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Loki X Reader X Bruce: Misunderstanding (One-Shot!)

You were a good friend of The Avengers, you also happened to be friends with Loki who happened to change sides. He had told S.H.I.E.L.D. everything he knew and would help them fight any evil that showed up.

You had liked Dr. Bruce Banner for quite a long time now, you both got along well and you had eventually fallen deeply in love with him.

You casually walked into the lab, Tony was out of the lab for a few moments to go get some snacks for him and Bruce, you walked up to Bruce, "Hey can I ask you something?" You smiled.

Bruce looked up and nodded.

Loki was in a well-dressed suit, S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to make him look more Midgardian so they gave him a complete makeover; he stopped seeing you in the lab.

"Would you maybe like to hang out with me?" You asked blushing a bit.

Loki was on his way looking for you, he listened in to yours and Bruce's conversation.

"You... Mean... Like a date?" Bruce asked looking at you curiously.

"Yeah, let me rephrase that" You smiled softly, "Would you like to go out on date with me Dr. Banner?" You asked.

Loki was now very anxious, What if he says yes? Loki kept asking himself.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to" Bruce gave you a soft smile, "There's an awesome Shawarma place I know of" Bruce muttered softly.

"Sure, pick me up tomorrow at eight?" You asked.

Bruce nodded and gasped as you kissed his cheek before walking out of the lab.

You ended up walking into Loki, "Oh sorry..." You mumbled and saw that Loki's eyes were beat red and his eyes were clouded with tears, "Are you alright?" You asked.

"I'm fine..." Loki muttered smiling softly.

"Are you sure? You seem upset..." You looked at Loki worried.

"No, I was just very wrong... I thought we had something..." Loki muttered softly before walking away.

"What are you talking about?" You ran up to Loki and grabbed his arm turning him around, "We didn't have anything..." You saw tears stream down Loki's cheeks.

"Well I thought we did!" Loki pulled away, "I was just about to come and find you and confess my feelings to you and you go and ask Bruce out..." Loki mumbled looking down sadly.

You remained silent and just stared at Loki shocked.

"There's no point in telling you now, it means nothing..." Loki muttered softly about to walk away again, "But I'm your friend and it would be wrong to stop you from going on with someone you love" Loki sighed.

You looked down feeling incredibly guilty.

"Go and have fun with him, all I want for you is to be happy..." Loki smiled softly and kissed your cheek; he took a deep breath and gently grasped your hand but slowly pulled away then walked away.

"Loki..." You ran up to him and stepped in front of him, "W-Why... Why didn't you tell me before?" You asked.

"I was building up the courage to tell you... I was so unconfident you didn't love me, I should have believed myself, I should have given up..." Loki looked down sadly.

"Stop! You're making me feel horrible..." You mumbled as tears streamed down your cheeks, "I didn't know, I didn't mean to hurt you..." You stepped back.

Loki quickly wiped his tears and sniffled looking away.

You looked at him curiously and turned around seeing Bruce, you blushed and smiled softly, "Hi" You mumbled.

"I only said yes because I wanted to be nice, I don't want to mislead you... I don't have feelings for you I'm sorry... I'm not really ready for a relationship" Bruce sighed and walked back into the lab.

You turned around and looked at Loki, more tears streamed down your cheeks as you just walked away.

Loki followed you into your room, he closed the door behind him, he saw you sit on the bed and wipe your tears.

"It's pathetic that I'm crying..." You muttered softly.

"Why is it pathetic?" Loki asked looking at you curiously.

"Bruce doesn't love me back; it shouldn't mean so much to me... I don't know why it hurts so much..." You mumbled, "It's so easy falling in love but falling out of it is so hard..." You sighed.

"It's not pathetic..." Loki knelt down in front of you and gently grasped your hands.

"It is, I'm crushed..." You looked down sadly.

"Shhh... It's okay..." Loki gave you a soft smile, "Don't cry..." Loki whispered gently stroking your hands with his thumbs, "Everything will be just fine..." Loki whispered to you.

"What if it's not?" You asked.

"It will be because I will be there with you every step of the way" Loki lovingly kissed your right hand, "I will always be by your side" Loki said sternly. You sniffled and knelt down in front of Loki hugging him tightly, "Things will get better, I promise" Loki whispered.  

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