Loki X Reader: Confessions (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Confessions (One-Shot!)  

Loki paced his room back and forth, muttering to himself nervously. He had feelings for you for quite some time now but had no idea how to tell you how he truly felt, he heard the door open, Loki froze and just stared at the door. 

You peered your head into Loki's room and gave him a gentle smile, "Did I come too early?" You asked, slowly walking toward Loki. 

"No, not at all..." Loki said, giving you a nervous smile. 

"What did you want to tell me?" You asked. 

"Lady (Y/N)!" A guard called, before bursting into the prince's room, "Thor demands to see you at once!" He said, before bowing. 

"Surely it can wait, Loki has something very important to tell me" You said, turning to face Loki. 

"It is urgent" The guard reassured. 

You let out a brief sigh and walked up to Loki and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I'm sorry, we'll talk later" You whispered, before running off. 

Not moments later you walked into the dining hall to see Thor, you bowed before entering the room and slowly approached him giving him a soft smile. 

"You asked for me, my lord" You said, bowing once again. 

"I need a favor" Thor said. 

"Anything for you, my lord" You replied. 

"I need you to help me with my speech for my coronation tomorrow morning..." Thor uttered, he was embarrassed to ask a young maiden for help, was such a strong warrior like him nervous? 

"Surely, you do not need my help, everything will go to plan..." You muttered softly, smiling innocently. 

"For once, I'm nervous... I do not want to disappoint my father, I'm worried if I stutter everyone will laugh at me" Thor said, staring down at the floor. 

"Never, have I heard you stutter" You giggled, "You'll do fine, there's no need to stress over it" You said, gently putting Thor's hand into yours. 

Thor smiled and gently caressed your cheek. 

"Thor, may I tell you something?" You asked. 

"Of course..." He whispered, gingerly moving your hair out of your face. 

Loki hid in the shadows and closely listened. 

"I'm not sure how to say this but... Well... I..." You muttered, putting your head down. 

Thor gently lifted your chin, "What is it?" He asked. 

You didn't know how to say it, how were you going to tell the mighty god of thunder that you had feelings for him. 

"Thor... I love you..." You whispered. 

Thor gently leaned in about to kiss you when he heard a muffled sob from behind the curtains, he quickly stopped and moved the curtains aside to reveal his brother. 

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