Loki X Reader: Asgardian Goddess (One-Shot!)

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     Loki, the God of Mischief was standing in the library all alone reading a book, at least he thought he was all alone. Loki heard soft gentle humming from the bookshelf behind him; he didn’t bother to leave his focus from his book. He suddenly heard the beautiful hum turn into a soft voice.

     Loki looked up from his book and looked through the shelves seeing a beautiful young women dressed in a (F/C) silk dress, Who is this beautiful Asgardian Goddess? Loki asked himself closing his book putting it back on the shelf.

     You hummed to yourself quietly as you read a book about Midgardian lifestyles, “Migardians are so strange… Yet so interesting…” You said in a soft tone.

     “Those books are filled with lies dear” Loki said walking up to you, he looked at your mesmerizing (E/C) eyes.

     “How could you know that?” You asked looking at this tall thin man curiously.

     “I’ve been to Midgard” Loki replied with a grin, he couldn’t help but get lost in your eyes, “I can tell you all about Midgard if you wish” Loki gently moved a strand of your silky soft (H/C) hair out of your face.

     “I would love to hear about Midgard, my name is (Y/N)” You gave him a soft smile, “Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” You bowed.

     “My name is Loki Laufeyson, lovely to meet you (Y/N)” Loki smiled, “Come, sit with me and I shall tell you all about Midgard” Loki said and gently took your arm sitting you down on a stair; Loki sat down next to you.

      Loki talked to you for hours about what Midgardians were like, how they acted, how they lived, their true lifestyles, Loki was even kind enough to tell you about what Love was like in Midgard.

      “I wish I was Midgardian…” You looked down feeling like a fool saying such a thing.

      Loki gently lifted your chin, “Would you like to see Midgard my dear?” Loki asked lovingly grasping your hand giving you a gentle kiss.

      You blushed and smiled, “I would love that Loki, but what if we get caught, we cannot leave Midgard without the All-Fathers permission” You looked at him worried.

      “I am a Prince of Asgard my darling, come with me and I shall take you to Midgard” Loki lovingly took your hand and led you down the rainbow bridge and toward the Bifrost.

       Heimdall stood at the entrance sending a glare at Loki with his golden yellow eyes, “You shall not pass” He said sternly.

       Loki rolled his eyes, “Step aside please… I wish to take a small trip, me and my friend will be back my down” Loki looked at you and smiled.

       You blushed and smiled at Loki then looked at Heimdall curiously.

       “You will not pass” Heimdall said sternly.

       “Please let us through” You looked at Heimdall and gave him a soft smile, “We’ll be back before dawn I promise, all me and Loki want to do is carefully observe Midgardians” You said.

       Heimdall stood there for a moment, “Fine… But if someone comes looking for you, I am not making up some stupid lie” He said sternly.

       “Thank You, Heimdall, I owe you…” You lovingly held onto Loki’s arm and watched Heimdall open the bifrost.

       “Are you ready my darling?” Loki asked, you nodded as you watched the blue portal open up, you and Loki faded into the portal. You gasped seeing the galaxy around you, “It’s beautiful…” You looked utterly shocked, you closed your eyes.


       You opened your eyes clinging to Loki the whole time; you gasped finding yourself in the middle of a busy street. Loki quickly grabbed you and pulled you out of the street where cars were driving by; Loki wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you down the sidewalk.

       “It’s breathtaking, what are those things? Spaceships?” You asked looking at Loki curiously; you noticed everyone around you was looking at you and Loki strangely.

       “They’re called cars darling” Loki chuckled.

       “Cars…” You smiled, “Why not drive spaceships like they do in Asgard?” You asked, “Why aren’t the men wearing armor, why aren’t the women wearing dresses?” You looked at Loki.

       “Midgardians aren’t gods, they’re called humans, they don’t have spaceships yet, they also don’t wear things like we do” Loki explained.

       “Who rules them?” You asked.

       Loki was silent a moment, he really wanted to impress you, what should I tell her? Should I tell her I am the true King of Midgard? Loki asked himself smirking.

       You stopped and looked at Loki, “Do they not have a King to rule them, somebody must rule them” You said.

       “I’m their King…” Loki whispered to you.

       “You are?” You looked at Loki shocked.

       “Well not yet, but I will soon be their King… I will rule the mortals and be the best King they’ll ever have” Loki smirked.

       “You will be King…” You smiled at Loki.

        Loki wrapped his arms around your waist and disappeared, you gasped looking at Loki shocked, you quickly pulled away looking around finding yourself in the middle of a forest.

       “Where did you take me?” You looked at Loki a bit frightened.

       “It’s okay (Y/N), I just brought us somewhere more private, we’re in a forest in Canada” Loki said walking up to you giving a kiss on the forehead.

       “So you really are going to be King of Midgard?” You smiled at Loki.

        Loki nodded and smiled at you, his gorgeous emerald green eyes looking into your (E/C) eyes, “But sadly, I don’t have a Queen, I need a Queen to help me rule Midgard” Loki sighed.

       “I’m sure you’ll find a beautiful Queen, you seem like a wonderful man Loki” You blushed and smiled.

       “Will you be my Queen?” Loki asked turning and looking at you with his puppy dog like eyes.

       “Me, Loki…” You blushed and looked down giggling cutely, “No one has ever asked me such a question…” You blushed even more.

       Loki gently lifted your chin looking deeply into your eyes; he leaned in and pressed his soft against yours.

       You blushed and gently put your hand on Loki’s chest, Loki tasted of peppermint, “Loki…” You smiled; Loki leaned in and kissed you again this time more passionate, Loki smelt of fresh winter air, he slipped his tongue into your mouth.

       Loki slowly pulled away and smiled at you, “Be my Queen?” He asked.

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