Loki X Reader: Christmas and Mischief (One-Shot)

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You new your good friends Thor and Loki were coming to visit you for Christmas, you were quite worried because you knew Loki hated Christmas, but you on the other hand love Christmas, it was your favourite Holiday.

You were in the middle of decorating you apartment when you heard the doorbell ring, you put the lights down that you were holding in your hands and slowly walked toward the door taking a deep breath.

You slowly opened the door seeing Loki and Tor in Christmas sweaters, Thor was wearing as Santa hat while Loki was wearing reindeer headband.

You couldn't help but giggle at Loki, but you smiled and hugged Thor than hugged Loki kissing his cheek.

Loki blushed a bit looking at you surprised.

Thor admittedly walked into your apartment and smiled at you, he had a present in his hands and put it under the tree that you just decorated.

"May I come in darling?" Loki asked politely.

"Sure..." You smiled.

Loki kissed your cheek and walked into your apartment, "I got you a present darling, but you can't open it till later" Loki smiled.

You blushed and smiled.

"I love what you've done with the place!" Thor exclaimed

"Why thank you..." You muttered softly looking at Loki wondering if he liked it as well.

"I like it too..." Loki muttered softly looking down shyly.

"If you want I can make us all some hot chocolate..." You smiled.

"I'd love that!" Thor smiled.

"I can help if you want..." Loki walked up to you and smiled at you a bit, "I'm very good at making a peppermint hot chocolate" Loki smiled.

"That would be wonderful Loki..." You blushed and gently grasped Loki's hand leading him into the kitchen.

You grabbed some chocolate and some milk, you than grabbed some fresh peppermint extract from the cupboard.

Loki smiled and grabbed a pot and put it on the stove, "You have a very nice home, very cozy and welcoming" Loki smiled.

"Thank you..." You blushed and turned on the element putting chocolate in the pot letting melt.

Loki grabbed some mugs and put them on the counter, Loki helped you pour some milk in while you stirred the chocolate.

You couldn't help but blush more, "So... I thought maybe you and Thor could um... stay over night... and we could spend Christmas morning together... but if you have other plans I totally understand..." You muttered softly.

"Thor may I have plans... but I don't..." Loki muttered softly pouring some fresh peppermint extract into the liquid chocolate.

"I've always wanted to spend Christmas with The God of Mischief... I um mean.... I'd love too..." You muttered softly smiling innocently.

Loki blushed and smiled.

After you and Loki finished making some fresh hot chocolate, you brought the mugs out on a tray a long with some home-made chocolate chip cookies.

Thor smiled and stood up from the couch grabbing his mug of hot chocolate and the whole plate of cookies.

Loki stopped him and grabbed the plate from him handing him one cookie, "You must share" Loki let out a slight growl and place the cookies back on the tray.

You smiled at Loki and placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch, you picked up Loki's mug of hot chocolate and handed it to him.

"Thank you..." Loki blushed and took a sip.

You giggled cutely and picked up your mug taking a sip as well.

Thor ended up chugging his mug of hot chocolate.

Both you and Loki looked at Thor surprised, both you and Loki than watched Thor stuff his cookie in his mouth.

Thor stood, "I must be going... Asgard needs me!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki put his mug down, "Yes that's right! Asgard needs you! Now leave!" Loki pushed Thor out the door and closed the door locking it, Loki turned around and smiled at you.

You giggled and smiled taking another sip of your hot chocolate.

Loki slowly walked toward you, "You can open your Christmas present that I got you... I didn't want Thor to see you open it..." Loki muttered softly picking up his mug sitting on the couch.

You looked at Loki curiously and kneeled down in front of the Christmas tree picking up Loki's present, it was a small golden box wrapped with a green ribbon, you slowly unwrapped the ribbon and opened the box seeing a beautiful green necklace.

Loki smiled and put his mug down standing up kneeling down beside you, Loki picked up the necklace and put it around your neck, "Do you like it?" Loki asked.

"I love it Loki... it's beautiful" You smiled turning and looking at Loki.

Loki smiled and kissed your cheek.

"But I have nothing in return for you Loki..." You looked down and sighed.

"The only present I wish to have is your heart..." Loki whispered to you and gently lifted your chin kissing you passionately.

You looked at Loki surprised but kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck.

"For The God of Mischief, you look very handsome in Christmas sweaters..." You smiled and blushed.

Loki chuckled and kissing you again, Loki caressed his arms around your waist pulling you closer, "I love you ________" Loki whispered to you.

You smiled, "I love you too Loki..." You whispered to him, you defiantly knew, this was the best Christmas you've ever had and was happy to spend it with the man you truly loved.

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