Loki X Reader: Norse Lullaby (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Reader: Norse Lullaby (One-Shot!)


That night Loki couldn't fall asleep, he had asked you, his best friend, to come and try and help him fall asleep. You walked into Loki's room seeing him lying in bed staring up at the ceiling sighing sadly; you closed the door behind you and walked up to Loki only in your night gown.

"Can't sleep again?" You asked looking at him concerned, "Have your nightmares come back?" You asked sitting on the bed.

"No not nightmares... I just can't sleep..." Loki sighed resting his head in your lap.

"I could sing you a lullaby..." You looked at Loki, you felt foolish for asking such a question, he was a grown man and obviously didn't want a stupid lullaby sung to him.

Loki looked up at you and nodded.

You looked at Loki a bit shocked but gave him a soft smile and began to sing.

Good evening, good night,
May your slumber be light.

You sang to Loki gently stroking his silky soft black hair, you looked down at Loki and watched his emerald green eyes stare at you.

Loki smiled softly and slowly closed his eyes listening to your soothing voice.

May your dreams be deep
As the Gods watch your sleep.

You chanted softly looking down at Loki gently caressing his cheek.

In the morning you'll rise
and be healthy and wise.

You continued to sing as Loki gently grasped one of your hands, you blushed a bit but kept singing the Nordic lullaby to him.

In the morning you'll rise
and be healthy and wise.

You sang gently squeezing Loki's hand.

Good evening, good night,
As Mani shines bright,
Close your eyes now and rest,
May your slumber be blessed.

You hymned looking down at Loki, finally he was asleep.

In the morning's fair skies
you will see Sunna rise,
In the morning's fair skies
you will see Sunna rise.

Once you finished singing, you looked down at Loki to see if he had fallen asleep yet, you gently pulled your hand away from his, you were about to gently push Loki off of you when he opened his eyes.

"Still not asleep" Loki looked up at you with his bright green eyes, "I must say you have a beautiful voice... Would you perhaps mind singing another one to me?" Loki asked.

Your cheeks went a slight shade of pink, "Um... Sure... But I don't know many..." You smiled innocently.

"How about Do You Know How Many Stars are There? That was is my favourite, I heard a Midgardian mother sing it to her child while I was visiting Midgard" Loki smiled.

"That one's my favourite too" You giggled.

Do you know how many stars are there
in the blue sky of the night?

You sang sweetly as you noticed Loki slowly began to drift off again, he yawned tiredly and shifted a bit.

Do you know how many clouds so fair
fly over Midgard's height?

Loki slowly closed his eyes listening to your blissful voice.

Our Gods do know their number,
none is missing, we may slumber.

You began to sing quieter.

Do you know how many stars are there
in the blue sky of the night?

You whispered noticing that Loki was now sound asleep; you managed to slip away from his grasp. You walked toward the door but heard Loki stir. You quickly stopped and turned around seeing Loki peek out from under the sheets.

"Where are you going?" Loki asked rubbing his eyes tiredly, "I cannot sleep without your company..." Loki muttered softly.

"It is not proper to sleep in your chambers, what if you're father walks in on us?" You asked.

"He will not get angry because you were trying to help me get to sleep" Loki said sternly, "Now come back to bed... Please" Loki begged.

You slowly walked over to Loki's bed, "Am I going to have to do this every night?" You teased.

"Am I burden to you?" Loki asked.

"No, not at all, I was just joking" You smiled softly and climbed into Loki's bed and lay next to him pulling him close.

Loki gently rested his head on your stomach.

You blushed and smiled a bit gently kissing Loki's forehead, you gently rested your head back on a pillow, you were quiet tired too.

"You have a beautiful voice I must say..." Loki muttered softly opening his eyes looking up at you.

"Why thank you..." You smiled softly.

"Have you ever sung in front of others?" Loki asked looking at you curiously.

You shook your head, "I'm too nervous..." You confessed.

"You have the most beautiful, angelic voice I have ever heard" Loki said looking deeply into your (E/C) eyes.

You blushed even more now, "Thank you..." You smiled before letting out a yawn, "Oh my... I defiantly think we should get some rest" You muttered softly. Loki nodded in agreement and lovingly grasped your hand, you both soon fell sound asleep.  

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