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As soon as I found out we're having half day in school, I immediately decided to spend the afternoon with Sam.     I didn't really have any plans but,  what the heck.    Bahala na.

I waited for her in front of her classroom when the bell rang.      She seemed very surprised to see me.    I wanted to ask her if she could somehow come with me.      I  really had no clue where to take her or what to do with her but fortunately, things turned out well.    It was just with the spur of the moment.     

Boy, I was so glad she agreed.   I was so nervous.    I wonder what's running inside her head.     One thing I learned.     She wouldn't turn down a food offer.   Haha.    Man, she could eat...  a LOT!     She looked so cute though.      Watching her eat made the food look so appetizing.       I was amazed.      And then, the unexpected happened.      She burped!     I've never met anyone,   especially a girl, who'd burp like that in front of a guy.     Surprisingy,  I didn't find it gross.      It didn't end there though.    She sneezed and, worst of all,   even farted in front of me!    It's supposed to turn anyone off.     But again, surprisingly,   I found it amusing.     Am I weird?    Or do I just really like her that much that it didn't bother me anymore?      Her reaction was epic though.     She was as red as a tomato.     She seemed really embarassed.   Oh poor her.    But it was too funny.     

I was so amused  that I even said this.

"You never fail to amuse me Sam.....    That's why I like you......."

It just came out of nowhere.    I was even surprised myself.    Good thing I did not say it out loud and she didn't hear it.     I don't know.    I still don't have the courage to tell her how I really feel.    How am I supposed to tell her?     Arggghhhhh.     I know have to tell her...soon.

I decided to take her to our restaurant.   I've never really brought anyone else there except my friends.      I'm sure everyone in the resto was talking about it.     Then, I tried to tour her around our place and to my room.     Somehow, I wanted to prolong her stay.    So, that was all I could think of at that time.      

It was kinda awkward when we were in my room.     Yeah, just the two my room!     What was I thinking?    I hope she didn't think I was some kind of an opportunist.      Where were my manners?

Then I caught her looking at my sketches.    I panicked.    I remembered I was trying to sketch......  HER!   Thank God she didn't figure it out because the drawing was not completed yet.     

Then, she saw my movie collection.     She also saw what I was hoping she wouldn't find out.    My copy of the movie A Walk to Remember.       I had to pretend it's my sister's.   I knew she was giving me a doubtful look.   But there's no way in this world that I'd admit to any girl that I have it.    Yes,   I liked that movie.     Only because of Mandy Moore.   Okay fine,  I liked the story too.     But I swear I didn't cry.   

Things just got more awkward when apparently I had no other place for her to sit but my bed.    I offered her to lay in my bed.    Again, where were my manners?  Not thinking how it sounded at that time.     I only wanted her to be comfortable.       And so she lay down.     Since she was still wearing her uniform, her legs were showing from her skirt.       I just felt guilty looking at them that I just had to cover them with a blanket.    Phew.    I decided to lie down beside her in the same position as she was.     I looked at her and our eyes locked for a moment.    I could feel the tension between our space.      Then, that's when she sneezed.         The sneeze broke out the tension.

We then just decided to sit on the floor.    I guess it was better.....and safer.     I brought her snacks for the movie and a box of tissue.    I had a feeling she would need it.    She rejected and denied that she would need it though.     But towards the end of the movie, she started sniffling.    She was trying to keep it cool for a while but she gave in.    She couldn't hold it anymore and started crying.    That was a joy for me to watch.   Haha.   I hated to tell her that I told her so.     Tissues were all over the place.     She even almost finished the whole box.    I don't know why she was trying to hold it in the first place.   I guess she didn't want to cry in front of me.    That just made it more entertaining.   It' s hard not to laugh considering she's already bared it all.....  all in just one day.   I'm pretty sure she's quite embarassed but it was really funny for me.     Somehow, she's cuter too when she looks embarassed.

Then it was time for her to leave.    It was all too soon.    I really enjoyed her company and i'm hoping to spend time with her again.       As much as I didn't want it to end, I knew she had to go.

I walked her back to school.     It felt nice walking beside her.    I wonder if she had a slightest idea  that I like her.    I mean, this does look like a date.    Isn't it?    I have never dated anyone in my life.    I'm not sure if this was considered as one.    But it'd be really nice to take her out on a real date.   If only I'd come up with the courage to ask her so.     And also, I'd need to clear things out between me and Daphne.    I don't want Sam to think that Daphne and I are together.

And speaking of,   Daphne's friends were there when we arrived in school and saw me and Sam together.      I was kind of pissed to hear what they were saying.    But at the same, I wanted them to go ahead and tell Daphne about what they just saw.    That might help bring Daphne to her senses and end all this mess.    

The moment finally came when  I had to say goodbye to Sam.      I just watched her leave with her friend, Kiki.     She turned around  when she got out of the school gate.     We just looked at each other for a moment then she left.     My heart was pounding again.      This feeling is completely new territory for me.     

I walked back home with a smile on my face.     My happiness is undeniable.     I can't wait to see her again.


As I was walking in the alley beside  our school,  I noticed  someone who just walked by.    I know that person very well.      Si Samotny.      And she's with Rusty?!    I have to admit my heart's crushed.    But I've never seen her so happy like this.    I guess all I can do right now is to just be happy for her.     Or at least I'll try.    Though it hurts right now, I know this is the right thing to do.     I want to see her happy.    And I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy even if I takes mine.     Sigh.       --    ROLF.  


Is it really time for me to give him up and let him go?     My friends  just told me what they saw happened.     It's just frustrating that for the first time in my life,  I got rejected.   Ouch.     Sa ganda kong ito??    I couldn't take it.     Also, I really like Rusty.    He's really a good catch.      I didn't want anyone else as much as I wanted him.     Oh, Rusty, how could you not like me?      So this is how it feels like to be rejected.      It hurts.     I need to go shopping ASAP!!      ---    DAPHNE.         

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