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this story will have side ships, bakudeku being a main one, and the dabi is a todoroki theory


"Fuck this shit, bitch."

"I'm so excited I could get off with excitement!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose at the yelling of my mother besides me while she packed my things.

"You know I'm capable of getting ready for college myself too," I pointed out and she waved a hand at me.

"Nonsense! I'm even planning on making cupcakes and cookies for your class," she twirled around my room, not paying a single ounce of attention towards what I had been saying.

"This isn't my kindergarten class," I blinked at her when she came to hold my hands.

"But you see baby, it is! These are your last education years, th-"

"Thank fuck that they are."

"Profanity!" She whipped the back of my head with a fuzzy tail and I didn't want to know where it came from.

"They need to be special and over the top!" She continued on.

"Are those condoms?"

I nearly screeched as she dumped the entire box into my suitcase, lunging forward to stop her.

"You've reached such a matured age and you are above an adult now, I only think it's right that we have some talks," she crossed her arms.

"Are you ridiculous? You've been giving me these talks every month for years now, I-"

"My baby is so grown up!" She cooed, bringing me to a hug and I frowned.

"Sure, but when you were my age, you alrea-"

"We don't talk about that, darling!" She laughed loudly, cutting my words off. "It brings up my age as well and you know mommy can be a bit sensitive to aging," she turned around to gloom in the corner.

"You're still as young as ever," I rolled my eyes as she stood straight with a grin, whipping the floor with the fuzzy tail she held.

"That's right! I sure am, and I'm only getting younger!"

"I wouldn't go as far as to say th-"

"What'd you say? Take it back, take it back right now, my little dumpling," her whip was now wrapped around my throat while she held me still.

"I said you're so energetic and playful, what a cunning cougar you are," I groaned internally as she let me go.

"My lovely baby always knows what to do! Now mommy has cupcakes to make!"

She winked as she left my room and I breathed out in relief. Turning around, I quickly shuffled through my suitcase to take out all of the condoms, double checking in case I had missed any. Now my clothes were all unfolded and in a messy pile that wouldn't fit back into the suitcase.

Congrats, you fucked yourself over once again.

"I should take a nap and sleep off the stress," I decided, pushing the entire pile of mess onto a chair and forgetting about the problem altogether instead of actually dealing with it.

Yet as I pulled the covers over me, they were yanked off in the same split second.

"What the fuck do you want now?"


I spit out the small fuzz that got stuck to my tongue from her whip, getting up with a groan.

Sparkling Peppermint // Shoto TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now