You Like Pokemon?

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Ashley's POV

My name is Ashley. Ashley Rose May. But I go by Ashley Rose. I don't like my last name anymore. It was my dad's and he died when I was 16 so I don't use it anymore.

I am now 18 years old. I can finally move to California because I am legal and I have saved up for awhile now and I have enough money.

I have been looking for an apartment there and I found one last week so for the past week, I have been packing everything I own.

"are you sure you want to leave?" my mom asks leaning against my bedroom door frame, frowning.

"mom, I have told you hundreds of times, yes. I want to move to California. I promised myself after... dad died, and I am going to do it." I pack the rest of my clothes into my suitcase and pick it up then walk downstairs. She follows me down and hugs me when I set the stuff down. She starts shaking and I feel my shoulder get a little bit wet.

"mom please don't cry." I say trying to hold in the tears.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I'm just going to miss you so much. It's going to be so quiet without you." she pulls away and looks at me with her bright blue eyes that look like mine.

"are you saying im loud?" I ask with a smirk.

"you know what I mean." she smiles and we just stand there for a few seconds sadly smiling at each other.

Honk! Honk!

"well, I got to go mom." she frowns and we hug each other hard and she helps me with my stuff. We walk out to the moving van, which already has all my stuff packed in it. We put my stuff in the back and the guy closes the back. I walk up to the front of the van and look at my mom with tears both in our eyes about to fall. I sniffle and hug her burying my head in her shoulder while sobbing. She starts crying too.

We finally pull apart.

"I'm going to miss you baby. Just remember that you have a place here if something goes wrong." I smile at her and nod.

"thank you mom. I will call right after I land. I love you so much." I giver her a short, tight hug and get into the car and start driving to the airport.

<At the airport>

We pull into a parking lot that is packed with cars, bumper to bumper. I look around and see a sign that says

'Welcome to New York Airway!

Have a safe flight!'

I sigh a little. I sure am going to miss this place I used to call home.

"thank you Burt." I smile at him.

"no problem sweetie. Anytime you need something, you know my number." he smiles. I kiss his cheek and get out grabbing my carry on bag.

You see, Burt was my dad's best friend. He was like a second father to me. And now he practically is my father.

"have a safe flight!" he yells after me.

"thank you! I will call you and mom when I land!" I wave and he drives away. I walk inside and notice how big this place is. I look around in amazement and actually bump into something hard.

"oh my god I'm so sorry I should have been watching where I was going." I say apologetically. He turns around and smiles at me with bright white teeth.

"no problem. I'm Damon." he reaches his hand out and I shake it and smile.

"I'm Ashley. Do you by any chance know where gate 38 C is?" I ask showing him my ticket.

"oh cool we are on the same flight! I'll walk you to it." he smile and we start walking to the gate.

"do you like Pokemon?" I ask him and he gives me a weird face.

"uh, yeah why?"

"because you have pokemon plugs. I really like them." I say and smile. He blushes.

"thank you. I like your beanie, it's my favorite color." I flicks the small ball on top of my beanie and smiles.

"blue is your favorite color too?" he nods and I high five him and we laugh.

"so why are you coming to California?" he asks once we sit down by the gate waiting for it to be called to go on.

"I'm moving there." he smiles and nods.

"well, maybe I could show you around sometime." I smile big.

"really? Thank you. I would really appreciate it."

"no problem." he smirks at me and I look down blushing.

"flight 249 to Los Angeles California is now boarding."

We stand up, grab our carry on's and walk onto the plane. I start walking to my seat and notice Damon is following me. I stop and turn around.

"are you following me Damon?" I smirk.

"nope! Just walking to my seat!" he smiles and I continue walking until I get to my seat. I put my stuff in the overhead cubby thing and sit down. Damon sits next to me.

"you are following me!" I say and he chuckles.

"give me your ticket." I give him a weird face and hand him my ticket. He puts his next to mine and shows me.

"we are right next to each other." he laughs.

"oh." he laughs again and hands my ticket back. The buckle your seatbelt light comes on and we do so. I get a little bit antsy because I have never flown before. To be honest I am scared poo-less right now.

"you nervous?" Damon asks and I look over at him and nod.

"don't worry. I'll be right here next to you the whole time." he smiles and I nod.

"I-it just sucks im by the window. Heh." I nervously chuckle.

"give me your hand." he holds his hand out and we interlock out fingers and he gives me a reassuring squeeze. We smile at each other and I look out the window again. We start moving.

Here we go...




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