What Am I Doing With My Life?

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Ashley's POV

I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I groan and open my eyes. I look behind me to see Damon with a tight grip around my waist. I smile. He's such a good person. I quietly unwrap myself from his grip and answer the door.

"what do you want?" I open the door and Jason is standing there.

"why are you in Damon's room?" he asks smirking.

"because I slept in here last night. What do you want?"

"did you do the frickle frackle?" I punched his arm and he whimpered.

"no we did not do the frickle frackle we aren't even dating." I pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind me so we don't wake Damon.

"now stop ignoring my question. What do you want?"

"well, since you said you were originally from Manchester, I was wandering if later this summer you wanted to fly to London with me to meet some of my friends?" my mouth dropped open.

"oh my god Jason are you serious?"

"yeah! I told my friends/ roommates about you and your you tube channel and they all want to meet you."

"what's the occasion?" I ask getting a little bit suspicious.

"well... you said your birthday is in October, let's just say that it's an early birthday present." he smile at me and I squeal and hug him really tight.

"oh my god Jason thank you so much!" he hugs back.

"your welcome."

"this is not what it is only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side."

"hello?" I put the phone up to my ear.

"hello sweetie! How are you doing?"

"hello mum, I'm doing pretty good. You?"

"im doing well thank you for asking!" Just as I am about to answer Jason takes my phone.

"hello Mrs. Ashley's mum! I'm Jason Ashley's new best friend!" I glare at him and steal the phone back.

"sorry about that mum. Jason's a wiener on a stick." I stick my tongue out at him and he just smiles.

"don't worry sweetie. He sounds nice! Is he from London as well?"

"well, pretty much." I didn't feel like explaining all of the places he is from.

"that's cool. Did you meet anymore friends?"

"actually yes I did."

"no boyfriends I hope right?"

"mum, I'm 18 years old I can have a boyfriend if I want to or not."

"I am still your mother and I don't want you to date anyone!"

"well too fucking bad I already had a boyfriend!" wow that was probably the worst word I have ever said in my entire life.

"excuse me?" Jason is staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth on the floor.

"you heard me. I have already had a boyfriend."

"and who was he?"

"his name is Johnnie and he is very nice."

"why did he break up with you?"

"how do you know he broke up with me I could have broken up with him."

"oh sweetie we all know you cant even kill a fly without feeling bad. Now tell me why he broke up with you."

"you are not going to let go of this are you?"

"just tell me why he broke up with you!" she demanded.


"wow." Jason mumbled from behind me. I turned around and then realized what I had said.

"j-Jason please." I begin.

"you, you like Dam-"

"shhh!!! Please!" I put my hand over his mouth and he stared at me.

"please don't tell him." I whispered and he nodded slowly.

"if I take my hand off you promise not to say anything?" he nodded again and I removed my hand.

"good." I straightened out my shirt and realized im still in only my tank top. I look up at Jason and he is staring at my arms. He takes one of them and traces one of the biggest scars.

"why?" he whispers barely audible.

"because my life is shit." I snarl and rip my hand back, storming out of the apartment and going into mine. I can tell you that I feel bad for what I just did to Jason but it's a touchy subject of my past and I don't like talking about it.


"Ashley? You alright?" I turn around once im in my apartment and see Burt standing there. I forgot he was here.

"oh, uh, yeah im alright." I mumble and go to my room where all of my stuff is except for my bed. I sit on one of the bean bag chairs and think about what just happened.

Jason knows that I like Damon.

My mum knows I had a boyfriend.

Jason saw my scars.

Damon knows about my past after I promised myself to not ever tell a single soul what happened.

What am I doing with my life?

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