I Like Damon Fizzy.

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Ashley's POV

We both got our drinks and walked out to the car.

"thank you for buying me this." I smiled at him.

"no problem. Just being a gentleman." he smiles back.

"well you are a good gentleman." we laugh and he drives us back home.

"why did we have to get this much pasta?!" I asked and almost died of exhaustion when we were back in the apartment. We literally had two full bags of just pasta noodles.

"I have no idea but this will last me the rest of the month or so." he laughed.

"I will come back over when I am done putting this away."

"okay see ya!" he walked into his apartment and closed the door. I struggled to get my keys in the door but eventually managed to do so. I walked into my apartment and turned around so I can close the door and when I turned back around

"AHHHHHH!!" I Screamed at the top of my voice.

"hello." he smiled.

"JOHNNIE WHAT THE HECK YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!" he walked over and helped me with he groceries.

"sorry didn't think you would scream." he laughed.

"it's not funny!"

"sorry." he continued laughing. I slapped his shoulder as we walked to the kitchen with all the groceries.

"why did you get so much pasta?" he laughed.

"because pasta is the bomb."

"you've been around Damon too much."

"have not! I use to like pasta and then I ate it the day before I left and forgot how much I missed it and loved the flavor." I said as I started putting everything in the fridge and cabinets.

"I actually need to talk to you about something." he said and I turned around.

"important?" I ask and give a confused face.

"sorta. It's about us." I paniked inside and nodded.

"whats wrong?" I ask.

"well, I have one thing to ask you and please be completely honest."

"I will try."

"do you like Damon?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"as in like a friend? Of course."

"no, as in like boyfriend." I sighed.

"maybe a little bit." I mumbled and looked down.

"I think it's best if we break up." he hugged me.

"best friends still?" I ask and look up at him with teary eyes.

"of course." we stood around for awhile just hugging.

"I gotta go. Bryan needs me for a video. Bye." he kissed my forehead and left me. I went to go sit on the chair . I never realized how much I loved Johnnie. This was my first actual relationship. You may call me whatever but I loved him. But we broke up for a purpose.

I like Damon Fizzy.

Damon's POV

After I put the food away I sat on the couch waiting for Ashley to come over so we can go get her bed.

I sat just waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

What is taking her so long?

"why do you look like your waiting for something?" Jason said finally stumbling out of his room.

"im waiting for Ashley to come over. We are going to go get her bed."

"what are you doing up so early? I usually wake up before you." he sat down next to me.

"I got up and couldn't go back to sleep than Ashley knocked on the door and asked if we can go to the market together and we did that then went to starbucks and here I am."

"you definatly like her." I heard him mumble as he got up and grabbed a rockstar.

"I do not. We are just best friends. She is dating Johnnie anyways." I still cant believe she is dating him. He doesn't seem like her type.

"how do you know that?" he asked and sat next to me again.

"I overheard you two talking about it yesterday. She didn't want us to think she is a slut for only just meeting the guy and already dating him."

"oh. I didn't know you heard us. But maybe you can have your chance with her one day."

"I don't think that would happen. She doesn't like me anymore than just a friend." I sighed.

"are you kidding me? Have you seen the way you two look at each other? And you are constantly together, you have already cuddled in the same bed, and if you haven't noticed, whenever she isn't around you are always talking about her." wow I didn't think it was that noticeable.

"okay fine. I have a small crush on her. But that is all. Plus she will never like me back. Im friend-zoned." I sigh again.

"whatever you say Damon. I bet she likes you back."

"sure whatever. Im going to go ask her if she wants to go now." I get up and walk over to her apartment. I knock and wait. It's been a few minutes so I knock again. I wait a few minutes.

"Ashley?" I ask and there is no reply so I twist the doorknob and it is unlocked, luckily. I walk inside and quietly close the door behind me. I look in the kitchen and bedroom and she isn't there. I come out of her bedroom and see her on the couch. Why did I not look their first? I quietly tip toe over to her and when im a few feet away. she looks sad.

I kneel down next to her and push the hair out of her face.

"Ashley?" I whisper to her. And she opens her eyes. They are bloodshot which are just making the blue in them pop.

"what's wrong?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I'm f-fine." she sits up on the chair.

"you wouldn't be fine if you have bloodshot eyes." she looks at me again.

"J-Johnnie broke u-up with m-me." she says curls up in a ball. I sit on the chair next to her and pull her into my arms.

"shh. it's okay.. Why did he break up with you?" I feel her tense up.

"umm.. I-I don't know." I give her an unsure look.

"he broke up with you for nothing?" she nods and sniffles.

"are you sure he didn't say why? Im sure he broke up with you for a reason." she stays quiet so I just hold her close to me. I could get used to this. Not the sadness part but holding her so close I can feel the warmth from her body on mine.

"thank you, Damon." she says and looks up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"your welcome Ashley Rose." I smile and kiss her forehead.

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now