Jason Hair :3

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Ashley's POV

<at Damon's apartment>

"I want some pasta." I groaned. Right now Damon was in his bedroom doing I don't even know what, Jason was in the bathroom fixing his hair, and I was upside down on the couch with my head hanging off.

"make some pasta then!" I hear Damon yell with a laugh from his room.

"but I'm really lazy!" I yell and hear both of them laugh.

"then you get no pasta!" Jason yells and I groan again.

"whoever makes pasta I will love you forever and I will like you better than whoever doesn't make it!" I said and hear both of them groan.

"you better love me anyways!" Damon yells.

"I love you but I will love you more if you make me pasta!"

"fine." he says coming out of his room and going to the kitchen.

"yaaaaayyyyy! I wuv you so much Damon!" I say and blow him a kiss when he walks by.

"yeah yeah.." he complains and I laugh.

"Jason what are you doing?! You have been in the bathroom forever!" I yell.

"I may have borrowed your flat iron contraption thing!" I laugh.

"you borrowed my flat iron? Why?" I ask.

"because I was bored and wanted to try to have your type of hair." he says and walks out of the bathroom with his hair down and straight like how mine always is.

"oh my gosh." I said and then burst into laughter.

"don't laugh!" he said.

"I'm sorry! It's not that you did bad or anything, it's just that you look so different! Can you do my hair how yours is?" I ask and sit normally.

"please? Oh can I?" he pleads.

"yes! Omg I want Jason hair!" I say and he runs back into the bathroom and grabs a brush, hairspray and a few bobby pins.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving tomorrow." I frown as Jason begins to do my hair.

"yeah, but at least you can come visit and stay with us!" Jason says and I smile sadly.

"yeah." I say and go on my phone.

"pasta will be done soon!" Damon says from the kitchen.

"yay!" I say and click on the instagram app.

"Jason smile!" I say and hold up my phone and take a picture of us both. Me smiling and him doing my no teeth smile and a double chin.

"beautiful Jason. Absolutely beautiful." I say sarcastically and post it to instagram.

'I am going to miss this idiot for the next few months L @veeoneeye' I captioned it and instantly started getting likes and comments.

"here you go my lady." Damon says and hands me a bowl of pasta. I cheer and take it. I turn off my phone and set it next to me and Damon sits on the other side of me and eats his pasta.

"why does you hair have to be so thick??" Jason says and tugs a brush through my hair and hit's a knot.

"ow!" I say and hold my head.

"did you rip out half my hair?!" I asked.

"no, sorry just your hair is tangled." He apologized.

"how long will this take? I really want to take a bath." I said and finished my pasta. That was so good!

"not very long I am almost done." he says and Damon takes our bowls to the kitchen.

"thanks." I say when he gets back and sits back down next to me.

"no problem." he smiles.

"and you are done." he says and I turn to look at Damon and he just bursts out laughing.

"oh gosh, does it look bad?" I ask.

"it looks so good!" Jason says and laughs.

"okay, yeah, yeah, stop laughing. I'm going to shower now." I say and stand up.

"awwhhh why?" Damon says and grabs my wrist.

"because I haven't taken one today and I feel dirty, AND I need to wash out all the hairspray Jason used."

"come back here after please!" he says and I laugh.

"it's only 7 I most likely will." I say and walk over to my apartment.

"BYE!" I hear them yell when I close the door and I laugh. They are such idiots. But I love them both. Mainly Damon because he is my boyfriend, but I love Jason as a friend.

I walk into my bathroom and climb into the shower and soap up.


I wrap a towel around my body and walk out to my dresser

"hmm. What should I wear?" I mumble to myself and look in all the drawers. I drop the towel and grab a pair of underwear, and a bra. I put them on and walk to my closet to find some pajama's to wear.

I see my blue Vaporeon pokemon tank top so I decide to wear that, and then I pull some yoga pants out of the bottom of my closet. I put the clothes on, shove my hair up in a messy bun, put my glasses on and walk back over to Damon and Jason's place.

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