It's Complicated...

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Ashley's POV

<later that night>

I can't believe Johnnie asked me out. He seems like a nice boy. Currently we are all in my apartment because we all wanted to make a video together and then Jason and Damon were going to be in my video. We are doing theirs first. We are all sitting in a half circle with the camera in the middle of us all. From left to right it goes Bryan, Johnnie, Me, Damon then Jason.

"how come the light isn't flashing?" I asked.

"what do you mean- oh shit." Bryan stands up and goes to the camera and turns it on.

"so we did almost a full video and it wasn't even recording?" Jason asked.

"I guess so. We can film that later why don't you guys just do Ashley's show?" Bryan suggests. I am a little bit nervous because I don't know if people are going to like me or not.

"okay. Let me get a tea first." Damon says and stands up and starts walking to his apartment.

"get me one pleaaassseeee!!" I yell and he comes back with a 'razzleberry' tea.

"thank you!" I smile and open it.

"you two ready?" Jason asks.

"nope." I say and take a sip.

"don't worry they will like you." Damon says and I smile shyly at him. Jason turns on the camera and sits back down on my right side and Damon on my left.

"what am I supposed to say?" I say and look at them.

"anything you want." Jason says. I smirk.

"cock-a-doodle-doo." I say and flap my 'wings' which were really my arms. Everyone laughs.

"not that kind of anything smart ass. Let me start it." Jason starts.

"hello there, I'm Jason." he says and waves.

"I'm Damon." Damon says and smiles. I take a sip of my tea. It's quiet for a few seconds.

"and this is Ashley. She is a new you tuber so treat her nicely!" Jason says and I smile and wave at the camera. Johnnie waves back at me.

"I wasn't waving to you Johnnie!" he pouts.

"awe I'm sorry baby." I fake frown and he sticks his tongue out. I stick mine out too.

"excuse me kids, but we are trying to do a show for YOUR channel here." Damon laughs.

"fine fine... what are we going to do for my first video?" I ask.

"well, Jason and I asked our fans to tweet us questions to ask you and we got quite a handful of them so are you ready?" Damon asks and both him and Jason take out there phone.

"heck yeah! Bring on the questions!" I say and take a sip of my drink.

"okay so where are you from?" Jason starts.

"New York."

"what is your favorite band?" Damon asks.

" uh I can't choose my absolute favorite one but I can say that I like All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, and Bring Me The Horizon a lot."

"what is your favorite food?" Jason asks.

"well, I am a vegan so probably either Pasta or veggie burgers."

"yeah!" Damon high fives me and we laugh.

"ummm, who in this room is your favorite person?" he asks.

"I can't choose you guys are all amazing."

"awwwwww!" they all say and group hug me.

"guys you are killing me!" I say and they all stop hugging me and go back to where they were originally.

"next questionado!" I say trying to speak a Spanish accent but it totally fails and they laugh at me.

"who is your favorite you tuber?" Jason asks.

"once again I can't choose. Besides you 4 I like Christian the ghost boy, Lukeisnotsexy, Pewdiepie, Patty Walters, thisbedottie, Emma blackery, and a few more but those were off the top of my head."

"all great people especially-" Jason started until Johnnie interrupted him and stuck his head in front of the camera.


"BRYAN STARS!" Bryan pushed Johnnie out of the way so he was in the camera. He smiles and did a thumbs up.

"Ashley! Bryan hurt me!" Johnnie squeals and rolls on the floor.

"awe, poor Johnnie." I frown and stick my bottom lip out.


"Bryan get out of the way so we can finish this video!" I say and they both move and we start the questions again. There are a lot of random and perverted questions. Damn you guys and girls, some of these are so dirty I don't even want to answer.

"and last one!" Damon says.

"shoot." I say and take a sip of tea.

"what is your relationship status?" he asks and I spit out my drink in complete shock. Johnnies eyes grow big. We wanted to keep this secret from people for a few days just to see if it works out. Shoot how am I going to answer this??

"uhhh.... It's complicated. Okay! So thank you for watching this video! Make sure to give thumbs up and to subscribe to me for more videos every week! Thank you! And buh-bye!" I say and turn off the camera and stand up.

"it's complicated? How is it complicated?" Jason asks.

"it just is." I mumble and take the camera off of the stand and plug it into my laptop.

"okay?" he says and walks to the chair and sits on Bryan.

"can someone show me how to edit this? I have never done this." I say and log on.

"I will." Johnnie offers and sits next to me.

"thank you." I smile and give him my laptop where we quietly work on the video.

Damon's POV

I wander what is going on with Ashley. She told me that she was single but then she said it was complicated? Is she dating someone?

Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now