You Are The Definition Of Perfection In My Book

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"Where is this pizza place? i want to drive, i haven't driven in forever!" i say and walk out to Damon's car.

"Uh, if you haven't driven in forever your not driving in the dark." Jason says and gets in the backseat. i pout.

"I promise im a good driver!" i say and Damon looks at me then hands me the keys.

"Yay!" i run over to the drivers seat and get in.

"Dude. she is going to kill us." Jason says and i glare at him in the rear view mirror.

"Am not!" i put the keys in and start the car.

"Just don't wreck my car please." Damon says and i pull out of the parking lot.

"Just turn here and then make a right up ahead into the plaza." Damon says and points to where im supposed to go.

"Okay, what's this place called?"

"Dominos. their pizza is amazing!" Jason cheers. i turn and pull into dominos parking lot.

"Yay! we didn't die!" Jason says as we all get out of the car and walk inside.

"Idiot." i say and smack the back of his head.


"Whatever." i say and sit down at a booth sitting idian style.

"What do you want to drink?" Jason asks.

"Water please!" i smile sweetly and they laugh.

"Do you ever sit normally?" he asks and points too my legs.

"Dude. normal is so boring and over rated." i say seriously then burst into laughter as well as them.

They walk away and get our food so i go on instagram and scroll through my feed. Bryan posted a photo of Johnnie sitting on their couch with his legs pulled to his chest looking sad. Now i'm sad. i sigh and scroll past the photo.

I jump when Jason sit's infront of me and slams his tray down infront of me.

"Geez Jason, noisy much?" i say and put my phone down on the table as Damon walks over and sits next to me, handing me my food.

"Thanks." i smile at him and take a bit of the vegitarian pizza.

"I feel so uncomfortable. i haven't worn shorts in about 9 years." they look at me like im insane.

"9 years?!" Jason asks.

"Yeah. i dont even know why i still have them or my tank tops."

"Wear them." Damon says and i look at him with the 'are you kidding me' look.

"No, i feel uncomfortable and i will be judged." i sigh.

"You will be judged at anything you do. it's a part of life. you just have to deal with it." Jason says and i take a bit of pizza.

"But i can't. i'm not as strong as you guys. stuff gets to me really easily." They sigh and we sit there eating our pizza.

D- We aren't as strong as you Ashley. what you told me last night was amazing. You are one of the strongest people i know.

I smile.

A- I wish i could go back to when i was 8 and change everything.

D- Why would you want to change everything? you wouldn't have moved here and we wouldn't be sitting here today.

A- if i changed everything, i would have never been bullied, i would have never self harmed but my dad would have still gotten promoted and died.

D- i wouldn't change anything about you. you are perfect the way you are and i like the Ashley i know and Love. Jason would like this better too.

A- i'm no where near perfect.

D- you are the definition of perfection in my book.

I blush and finish my pizza smiling.

"What's gotten into you?" Jason asked.

"Nothing." i say still smiling.

"Whatever. let's go im done." he stands up and throws his trash away. Damon stands and takes both mine and his trash.

"Damon i could have taken that." i say.

"Well, one, too late. and two i wanted to." he throws it away and we walk back out to the car and drive home.

<back at Damon's apartment>

"I'm going to bed. goodnight." i stand up, off the couch and wave goodbye.

"Nighty night!" Jason says.

"Sleep tight!" Damon says and they both smirk.

"Dont let the bed bugs bite!" they say at the same time and i laugh.

"You two are such dorks." i say and close the front door and unlock mine and go inside.

I close and lock it behind me then go to my room and sit down on my bed. i look down at my legs and see all the scars.

Why did i do this?

These will never go away.


I regret this decision so but at the moment in time it seemed like a good thing. worst decision ever.

Stupid Ashley!

I smack myself in the forhead and sigh. I'm so stupid!

I lay down in bed and drift off to sleep.



Your Flaws Don't Define You ~ Damon FizzyWhere stories live. Discover now